The press had also caught wind of the incident, along with Ranger’s injuries, and had been running an almost daily story regarding either something stupid from Shane’s past, Harper’s inability to conceive, or out and out lies that suggested that Harper and Shane were having problems and were headed for divorce. I didn’t know how true the stories of Shane’s past were, but I could guess from his constant clenched jaw that the tabloids had gotten at least some of it right. The stories about Harper and Shane having problems? That was the most ridiculous thing I’d ever heard. Shane was crazy about Harper, and even though I’d seen storm clouds in her uniquely violet eyes, she loved him just as much. Their relationship was strong, and it would take something a lot more damning than a few tell-all stories from women in Shane’s past to destroy what they had.

“I’ll be better when this tour is over and I can sleep in my own bed for a few nights and work in my own office instead of via freaking Skype.” Harper curled her legs up under her and rested her head on Dallas’s shoulder as the opening credits came on. “Don’t worry about me, Dallas. I’m fine.”

“Promise?” Dallas still looked concerned.

Harper sighed. “I promise.”

For the next two and a half hours we watched the movie, having to pause more than a few times so that Lana could go pee. I was sure that anyone outside of the OtherWorld bus was getting a show of their own. We weren’t quiet as we whooped and yelled and encouraged the very sexy men on screen to ‘take it off’. When something happened that one of us didn’t like, we threw popcorn at the screen, booing the character.

It was great fun and I was still laughing so hard that tears leaked from my eyes as we hit rewind and Dallas stood and danced along with Channing after it was all over. She grabbed Harper’s hand, pulling her up with her and Harper joined in. Frankly, I had more fun watching them goofing around than I did watching the movie. The movie was great to watch, but I’d have rather been cuddled up with Wroth in my roost that had somehow become our roost. Wroth had gone out with the rest of his band—minus Liam who never went out anymore—as well as Shane and a few members of both Trance and Alchemy, but he hadn’t looked all that happy about it.

In the last two weeks our relationship had gone back to almost what it had been over a year ago. We slept together every night, made love without actually having sex countless times a day. Only this time Wroth told me he loved me. Every day. Every. Day. I still had to pinch myself because it was hard to believe he had actually said those three little words to me. Wroth loved me. I’d be lying if I said I’d never thought he’d loved me. I’d always known that he did. A little at least. It had been his desire for me that I’d always questioned.

I wasn’t a vain person. I looked in the mirror and knew that I was pretty. But when a sexy rocker like Wroth could have any woman he wanted, it made it a little more difficult to see my beauty. Especially when there were little Barbie dolls throwing themselves at him on a daily basis. It was why I’d felt so rejected during our last short-lived relationship when he wouldn’t let me touch him. Why couldn’t I touch what dozens of other women had touched without having to beg for it? Hundreds? Maybe even thousands?

Since the morning Zander had interrupted our love playing, I hadn’t tried to touch Wroth below the waist no matter how hot we got, and I sure as hell hadn’t begged him to let me. I didn’t think I could stand his rejection this time around if he told me no or pulled away if I touched him.

“Dance with us,” Harper shouted as she grabbed my hand, surprising me out of my Wroth-filled musings, and pulled me in between herself and Dallas.

“Someone record this shit,” Dallas called, rubbing herself very sexily up and down my back, making me giggle. “Axton is gonna have some serious footage to get him going tonight with these hotties sexing it up in here.”


Natalie and Jenna were throwing popcorn at us instead of the screen now. I didn’t know what I was doing, but I tried to go for sexy as I rubbed myself between the two beautiful women as the three of us swayed to the music. From the corner of my eyes I saw Lana recording our little show and felt my cheeks fill with pink, but didn’t stop. I would send this to Wroth as soon as I could and then Axton wouldn’t be the only one who had some footage to view later.

The thought of Wroth watching me dance with two incredibly beautiful women made me more daring. We were all friends here and it was just harmless fun. I grabbed Harper’s hand and started sucking on her fingers, remembering his reaction to the way Dallas had done much the same thing to my own fingers so long ago. Harper made a sexy moaning sound, grinning and winking at me as I gazed up at her through my lashes.

“Damn, now that is sexy,” Lana murmured from her seat on the couch. “Seriously, Marissa. You’re turning me bisexual right now.” She lowered her phone, shaking her head at me. “Do you think Wroth would have too big a fit if I asked you to have a threesome with me and Drake?”

From the glint in her honey-brown eyes and the grin on her face I knew she was teasing—Lana letting someone that close to Drake? Yeah, that wasn’t ever going to happen. But the offer alone was enough to cause my face to turn beet red. “I’m pretty sure he would castrate your husband, Lana.” Wroth had gotten very territorial in the last two weeks. Sure he was more affectionate, but his possessiveness was downright animalistic at times. Men couldn’t smile at me without him turning into a rage monster.

If I said I didn’t like it, it would be telling the lie of the century. I loved it. But it made me fear for the safety of the men in my life. Every man with the exception of my brother was a potential target.

A firm knock on the bus’s door had us all turning as the door opened just seconds later, without anyone giving permission to whomever it was to come in. Devlin stepped into the living room, his hair pulled back into a ponytail at the base of his neck. He didn’t give anyone a second glance as he narrowed his eyes on Natalie and went straight for her. She didn’t say a word as he stopped in front of her. Harper and Lana gaped at him as he bent and picked Natalie up before carrying her back toward the roosts.

“That was ballsy,” Jenna muttered as she threw a handful of popcorn at the rock star’s back.

“Do I want to know?” Lana asked the youngest girl in the room.

“Nope.” Jenna shook her head, her face impassive, letting everyone know that she wasn’t about to spill her sister’s secrets. “Pretend you didn’t see that, Lana. It will make your life a hell of a lot easier.”

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