The first touch of my soft finger over my bud made me moan. Wroth jerked at the sound and his eyes narrowed knowingly. His next breath was sucked in almost harshly, but he didn’t say a word. If anything his gaze dared me to continue. Under the bubbles and water, I added a little pressure to my middle finger and rubbed in tight little circles. I should have been more embarrassed, should have felt disgusted with myself for touching myself like this in front of him, but I wasn’t and I felt oddly powerful as I continued to rub my clit until I was gasping.

Wroth’s breaths were coming in heavy pants, his hands no longer massaging my foot and leg but still holding onto my ankle. Wanting to have some kind of connection to him, I lifted my free foot and rubbed it over his hard stomach, feeling his defined abs as I pushed against him a little. Another growl-like groan escaped him and his lashes lowered until I couldn’t see those espresso irises any longer, but I knew that he was still watching me.

I rubbed faster, glad for the warm water so that I didn’t have to lick my fingers or dip them inside myself to keep getting that little bud wet. I didn’t like to penetrate myself. I didn’t want anyone to ever touch me there but the man now watching me with his mouth slightly open and his chest heaving from his heavy breathing.

“Marissa…” He grabbed my foot just as I let it skim over his dick. His body shuddered so hard that it made the water ripple at that small touch of my foot on him so intimately. With both feet now in his hands, he tugged roughly, pulling me across the tub without much effort because of his strength. I loved how strong Wroth was. It made me feel delicate, more feminine when I was next to him.

I went willingly, wrapping my legs around his waist and meeting his ravenous mouth with a hunger of my own. His hands wrapped around my waist, grinding my hips against his thick erection. My soapy chest rubbed against his, my nipples pressed into his flesh to cause a new kind of ache from that bud between my legs, but only added to the pleasure-filled pain of my throbbing sex.

His thick, hard dick pressed perfectly against the lips of my sex. With my legs wide open like that, my clit was exposed and his hardness was so much better than my fingers. I rubbed my sex against him harder, harder, harder until I tossed my head back, completely broke our kiss and cried out as the strongest orgasm I’d ever felt in my life consumed me.

Wroth’s curse as he found his own release was lost on me as I fell against his chest, happily exhausted. Long, thick fingers rubbed up and down my spine and I could hear his still erratic heartbeat that matched my own…

Blinking away that erotic memory, I picked up my Voss and took a long swallow to try and cool my suddenly heated skin. That had been only one of the few times Wroth and I had done something like that during those first two happy months of the spring tour the year before. Wroth had never tried to take things further than heavy petting, making sure that I was always taken care of, but only getting us both off when I begged him to let me touch him. Remembering the way I’d pleaded with him to let me touch him filled me with shame.

I’d begged and begged just to get to touch him like I craved but there had been no one begging when I’d found him with his dick in some groupie skank’s mouth.

The pain of that memory cut me deep and I let out a pained-filled gasp that had Bishop reaching for my hand. “You okay, Marissa?”

Fresh tears spilled over. I tried to force a smile for the kindness he was showing me but was unable to pull it off. “I…” I couldn’t force words past the lump in my throat so I shrugged and shook my head.


Strong hands suddenly landed on my shoulders and I jerked in reaction because I hadn’t been expecting it. Linc’s arms left my shoulders and lifted me easily, as if I didn’t weigh more than a sack of feathers. “Let’s go home,” he said with a sigh as he ushered a pale and teary eyed Natalie ahead of him. “You girls never give me a dull moment, you know that?”

“Where’s Rhett?” I asked, noticing it was just the three of us once we stepped outside the club.

“He’ll meet us at the apartment. Pretty sure it would have been signing his death warrant if he’d been seen leaving with either of you two.” Linc shifted me in his arms as a taxi pulled up in front of the club and he opened the door. Natalie climbed in first and then Linc placed me on the bench seat beside her before getting in and telling the driver where we were going.

As the taxi pulled away, I glanced out the window and saw that the crowd had only grown since Natalie and I had arrived an hour or so ago.

Chapter 5


The air was on the chilly side when I stepped out of the apartment building and into the waiting van that was ready to take me, Liam, Linc, Natalie, and Rhett to where the buses were waiting for everyone to board them. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, not caring that I didn’t have a drop of makeup on or that my hair was in a messy knot on the top of my head. I was still half asleep after having stayed up most of the night before drinking wine with Natalie and pretending like I wasn’t broken inside.

It was hard work pretending. I knew from experience from a time when I had to paste a brave smile on my face and act like I wasn’t tired of giving up as cancer had tried to break me. Now it was Wroth who had broken me, and I couldn’t help but think it was ironic that it had been Wroth who had given me the strength to continue to fight that battle but it was now him who made me want to crawl into a ball and just give up on life. As hard as I had tried to move on, to get over my heartbreak, I’d only been deceiving myself. An hour in the same room with the man who had caused my broken heart and I was ready to just find a vein and slice.

But I couldn’t let anyone know that. I might have those thoughts going through my head, but I wasn’t going to further embarrass myself by letting people know that Wroth had destroyed me so utterly.

Natalie was the last to get into the van and the driver shut the door before walking around the vehicle and climbing behind the wheel. It was only then that I took a moment to glance in the back of the van where my brother was sitting with Linc. Rhett had taken the seat in front of them, but there was already someone waiting in the seat behind Liam.

“What the fuck?” Natalie gritted out as she lifted her bottle of water and tossed it over the two seats that separated us and Zander Brockman. “You should have been at the bus an hour ago, you dumbass.”

Zander didn’t even flinch when the bottle hit him in the chest, just opening it and taking a thirsty swallow. By the looks of him he must have been out partying because he was still wearing the shirt and jeans he’d been wearing when I’d stopped by Liam’s apartment last night. Zander had been eating pizza and playing some combat game on the Xbox.

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