Natalie sent me a look over Emmie’s auburn head. This wasn’t the Emmie we knew and loved; this was the close-to-emotional-melt-down Emmie who I remembered from her post-partum days. Pregnancy fucked Em’s hormones up to the point that one minute she was fine and the next she was an emotional mess and the next she was about to rip someone’s throat out with her bare hands. I knew what those three pee sticks were going to say even before the timer on my iPhone started buzzing.

“I can’t look,” Emmie murmured and ran back to the bathroom.

Natalie picked up one of the digital tests as I did the same with the other. Flashing back at me was the word I knew was going to throw Emmie for a loop.


Chapter 2


Drake was laughing.

I didn’t think there was a sound that could bring a smile to my lips faster than the sound of his sexy laugh. I turned my head, only half listening to Harper as she told me about the cake that she had picked out for the wedding in two days. My heart stuttered for a moment when I saw him. Gods, would it ever not do that just looking at him? Fuck, I hoped not.

He was standing in line with Mia in his arms as they waited for their turn to order popcorn and cold drinks. His hair was nearly as long as Mia’s was now, and I had to admit that I loved every sexy inch of that dark hair. I spent hours every day combing my fingers through that hair as he lay his head on my ever-growing stomach and sang “Sleeping Angel” to our little angel in my stomach.

Mia said something and Drake’s head was tossed back as he laughed again. I loved watching him with her. He was so head-over-heels in love with our little niece that I knew with everything in me that he was going to be a great father. Just thinking about him holding our little girl when she finally joined us was enough to make my eyes sting with happy tears.

As if feeling my eyes on him, Drake turned his head and met my gaze. I saw those blue-gray eyes darken with need and then concern when he saw my tears. I mouthed, “I love you,” and the tension seemed to leave his shoulders before they even fully tensed.


“Crap, Lana,” Harper muttered beside me. “You guys make it hotter out here every time he looks at you.”

I couldn’t help grinning as I looked back her. “Says the woman who let sex-on-legs talk her into a quickie in the private family bathroom not two hours ago.”

It didn’t surprise me that after two years of dating the wildest sex addict in the rock world, Harper could still blush so prettily. I was sure that Shane loved it for an entirely different reason. My brother-in-law was crazy over my best friend and had straightened up his shit quick once he realized that Harper was his happily ever after.

“You wouldn’t have said no either, if it had been Drake doing the tempting.”

I laughed. “Nope. Wouldn’t even hesitate.”

“Ladies,” Nik chided as he turned from watching Jesse and Lucy go down the water slide for the third time in the last hour. Thank gods we got Front of Line Pass as a perk for staying at a hotel on site. The way my little sister kept finding rides that she liked, she would have been standing in line for hours to ride them as many times as she had been if we hadn’t had them. “I love you both, but I don’t need my head filled with you two having sex with those dickheads.”

I hugged him. When I had first met Nik I never would have thought that I would come to care about him as much as I did. He was as much my brother-in-law as Shane and Jesse were. “Just like we didn’t need to hear you and Emmie going at it all night last night, stud.” I grinned up at him. “And as sick as she has been, too. Wow. You both have some serious stamina.”

I wasn’t sure, but I thought that he was blushing. That made me crack up and I was wiping my tears away as he looked anywhere but at me and Harper. Nik Armstrong, blushing? It didn’t get much funnier than that. He had been—and still was—one of the most lusted after rockers in the world. I knew for a fact that he had been nearly as wild as Shane had been when it came to all those groupie skanks. But now he was in deep with Emmie and I knew that he would cut off his own dick to make her happy.

“What’s so funny?” Shane demanded as he came up behind us with a turkey leg in each hand. “Baby, you sure you don’t want anything to eat?” he asked Harper as he handed me one of the turkey legs.

“I’m good.” She wrinkled her nose at the smell of the turkey leg, but my mouth was already watering before I could even take a bite. Damned pregnancy cravings.

“So, what had you two rolling over here?” Shane asked as he wrapped his now free arm around Harper’s waist.

I pointed my turkey leg at Nik. “We were critiquing Nik on his stamina last night. And he’s actually blushing.”

“Lana!” Shane covered his ears. “I don’t need pictures of him and Em haunting me. That’s so fucked up.”

I snickered again but didn’t say anything else because my mouth was too full of deliciously roasted meat. Nik grumbled something under his breath and pulled his phone from his pocket. “I really hate you bitches sometimes.”

“Love you, too,” I assured him.

By the time Jesse and Lucy finally gave up on the water slide, I had given up on teasing Nik. Lucy was starting to lose some of her steam and Jesse was carrying her by the time we decided to head back to the hotel. I was glad to get back to the hotel and the penthouse that we had been calling home the last two nights.

In the elevator I snuggled into Drake. His arms came around me instantly and my panties grew damp when one big hand skimmed down my back and squeezed my ass. I made a small purring sound that I didn’t even know I could make and felt his dick harden against my thick stomach. With both Lucy and Mia asleep in their fathers’ arms, I wasn’t going to think twice about kissing him.

Lifting up on the tips of my toes, I licked his bottom lip. “I love you,” I whispered against his neck. “I love you.”

Jesse made a growling noise and I shot him a mock glare. “You don’t see me making rude noises when you go all ape over my sister, do you?”

“I still don’t see what you see in that asshole.” But his ever-changing eyes were lit with amusement and I knew that all that old anger he had held against Drake was long gone. “But I guess you’re stuck with him.”

Drake’s hand tightened on my ass. “And I thank all of Em’s gods every day for that.”

As soon as the elevator opened up on the top floor, I was ready to take Drake into our room and do naughty things to him. But it seemed that the universe had other plans for us.

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