Her giggle went straight to my dick and I shifted against her; trying to find a more comfortable position to stand since my dick was now trying to burst through the zipper of my dress pants. “Yay!”

Someone behind us cleared their throat loudly. I finally turned my head enough to give them a sweeping once over. As they had been the last time, both Monica and Ariana were the plastic twins. Fake in a way that shined through to the black soul that was beneath. Their perfume had been smothering, while their makeup was so thick it was on a whole new level of unattractive. True, Ariana—even the way she looked now—would have been my ideal one-night stand back in the day before Harper.

Key words: Before. Harper.

Now there was no woman on the planet who could make my dick so much as twitch other than the one whom I had just put a ring on. “Sorry, ladies, I didn’t see you. My girl outshines any woman here so much that you fake-ass bitches are transparent.”

“Is that any way to talk to your mother-in-law?” Monica demanded in her arctic cold tone.

“Probably not. I’m sure I’m supposed to kiss your ass and even flirt a little. But I’m not the average son-in-law. I don’t kiss ass, and especially not one that has been passed around so many times.” My eyes went to Ariana as I said the last part. She gasped, her face turning blood red with embarrassment. “You’re lucky you got through the door, bitches. One word and you will be tossed out on your asses. I’m sure that all the paparazzi waiting at the gates would love to take pictures of that. How humiliating would it be if you were on the cover of some trashy magazine? ‘Skanky mother-of-the-bride and her disease-infested stepsister tossed out of Rocker’s wedding reception.’ Yeah, that would bring in millions of readers.”

Harper cuddled closer against my side. “Well, I would say it was good to see you, mother, but that would be a lie. Excuse us. We have other guests to tend to.” I kissed the top of her head and we walked around the two women.

“Harper…” Monica hesitated and Harper turned her head just enough to see her mother, “I’m still your mother. You can’t ignore me the rest of your life.”

Harper shrugged. “Maybe not, but I can sure as hell try.” She wrinkled her nose. “And you two should really stop bathing in the French perfume. Seriously, I’ve been trying not to gag for the last five minutes.”

“You ungrateful little mutant!” Ariana took a step closer and I pushed Harper behind me. The look on my face gave her pause and she faltered on her next step forward.

“It’s time for you to leave now, ho bags,” I informed them. The thought alone of this bitch touching Harper made my blood boil. I was five seconds away from hitting a woman for the first time in my life. “Try to do so with a little grace. Or I will have the guards carry you out with your hands zip-tied behind your backs.”


“Well, hello.” Emmie’s voice had me turning my head. She stood with Dallas less than three feet away. The look on her face would have scared the shit out of me if I had been the reason for it. The same look was nearly mirrored on Dallas’s face. “I see someone has over-stayed their welcome.”

Ariana’s eyes narrowed on Emmie. It wasn’t a secret that Ariana’s modeling career had been washed down the drain by Emmie. With only two phone calls from Emmie, Ariana had gone from a somewhat well-known, well paid model in Europe to not having a leg to stand on in the fashion world. “You!” Spit flew from Ariana’s mouth she said the word with such venom. “I’ve been looking forward to coming face to face with you. You ruined my life, you stupid bitch.”

I took a step forward, planning on putting myself between Emmie and any possible danger. Ariana moved faster than I expected, however, and was just inches from Em before I could take another step. Emmie looked calm on the outside, but I could see the rage building in her eyes…

The sudden scream that filled the air had every head turning. Dallas grabbed a handful of Ariana’s dry, bottle blonde hair and yanked her away from Emmie. Still holding her by the hair, Dallas turned the other woman around to face her. “Big mistake, cunt face,” she snarled before punching a struggling Ariana in the face.

Blood instantly flooded from Ariana’s nose and she screamed even louder as she covered her face with her hands. Harper leaned around me to watch the fight, her hands holding onto my arm as Dallas pushed Ariana away from her and punched her again. Ariana fell on her ass, but her eyes were full of hate.

Dallas stood over her, hands on her hips. “Damn, I’ve wanted to do that for so long. If I’d known that it would feel that good I would have done it sooner.”

“That was beautiful!” Harper walked around me and wrapped her arms around her best friend’s waist. “I’d ask you to do it again so I could take pictures of the whole thing, but knowing Ariana she’d get blood all over my dress.”

“I’m pretty sure the photographer got a few shots in, Harper,” Cecil commented drily as he appeared, his eyes narrowed on his biological daughter. It was so hard to believe that Cecil, a man I loved and respected, was the father of the trash sitting on the floor, bleeding. His eyes were disappointed as he glared down at his child. “I’ve officially had enough of your stunts, Ariana. I’m cutting you and your stepmother off as of right now.”

“What?!” Ariana exclaimed, her voice muffled as she continued to hold her hands over her nose. “But Daddy..!”

“Let’s see how your attitude changes without my money to support you for the next year or so, girl. Maybe if you can prove to me you can be a decent human being we will revisit the subject.”

“Cecil, you don’t mean that.” Monica stepped around her now sobbing stepdaughter. “You wouldn’t...”

“Watch me.” Cecil’s voice was cold, hard. His eyes emotionless as he glared at his ex-wife. I honestly didn’t understand why he still supported the woman after so many years of being divorced, but I thought it might have something to do with his love for Harper.

“Shane, I think it’s time to cut the cake.” Emmie touched my arm. “I’m sure everyone could use some dessert. I’ll make sure security sees these lovely ladies off the property.”

My gaze went from Harper and Dallas, to Cecil and my new mother-in-law, to the sobbing mess on the floor before finding Emmie’s green eyes. “Are you okay?” I murmured, concerned with the paleness of her face. “Did she hurt you?” I hadn’t seen Ariana touch Emmie, but if she had I was going to kill the bitch!

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