Around us everyone was applauding again, but I barely paid them any attention as the strings of the next song started playing and my happy sobs turned into giggles. America Authors’ “Best Day of My Life” flooded the room and I wrapped my arms around Shane’s neck, kissing him long and deep as the words echoed everything I was feeling.

This really was the best day of my life.

I spent the next hour being passed from dance partner to dance partner. My dad, Nik, Axton, Jesse and then Drake. Then my boss, Rex who was the executive editor and CEO of American Rocker. I also danced one with Mia, because she said we looked like twins and twins had to dance to at least one song. Wroth and Zander were sweet when they danced with me, while Devlin was a flirt the whole time. When my new father-in-law offered me his hand I was a little reluctant to take it, but didn’t want to cause a scene. I let him lead me to the middle of the room, my smile on the forced side as I stepped onto the dance floor with him.

It was hard to look at him and not see the family resemblance to Shane and Drake, who could easily be confused for twins at a distance. Clyde Stevenson was still a very good-looking man even, and I knew from just looking at him that both his sons—and yes, his daughters too—would age gracefully. He seemed nice enough, but I held back from letting myself really like him because neither Shane nor Drake had truly forgiven him for abandoning them when they had desperately needed him the most. And because I couldn’t forgive him, I definitely could not forgive his wife. Stella Stevenson was the reason Clyde had turned his back on his sons, and no woman should ever demand that of a man.

“Thanks for including Natalie and Jenna in the wedding party,” Clyde said.

“No thanks is needed. I love them both. Jenna is very special to both Shane and me. I wish we could see more of her.” Since the move to California, Jenna wasn’t able to visit us as often as she had when we lived in New York.

“I’m sure we can work something out so that she can come visit a little more often,” Clyde assured me. “She’s been complaining non-stop about not seeing you and Shane, but at least she still gets to visit Natalie, and Drake during the months he’s on the East Coast.”

We danced a little longer in silence and I was starting to wish the song was over already when he spoke again. “I want to thank you, Harper.”

I blinked. “Thank me? What for?”

He blew out a long sigh, full of emotions I wasn’t sure I wanted to name because that would mean I felt sympathy for this man. “For loving my son. For making him the happiest I have ever seen him. You’re the reason he has a smile on his face more often than not. Look, I realize my opinion doesn’t count for beans to you or anyone else in this room. Lana especially.” He grimaced. I could just imagine what Lana had said to him about his opinion and whatever else. “But, I just had to say it. So, thank you.”

The song drew to an end and I found myself hugging him, if a little awkwardly. “Like I said, no thanks is needed, Clyde.”


Dinner was just as delicious as I had been expecting. I sat at our long table with our wedding party, tasting a little of everything from my plate as well as Shane’s when he wasn’t looking. I was sipping on my champagne, half listening to someone giving a speech, when my entire day went from amazing to complete shit.

No way. No. No. NO. FUCKING. WAY!

The words must have actually came out instead of echoing in my head because a few of the closer-sitting guests gasped. I stood up so fast that my chair toppled over and I just stood there, staring at the only two people I would have paid money to have pushed into the bowels of hell.

My mother was sitting at a table just off to my left. My beautiful stepsister taking her seat as if she belonged here, when she was just tainting everything that I thought was achingly perfect only seconds ago. When she noticed my eyes on them my mother actually smiled. Not her catty smile that she always used to put me down and make me feel lacking, but the sweet I’m-such-a-good-person smile.

Beside me Shane muttered a violent curse and I felt Emmie moving behind me, already on her phone talking softly—deadly—to security. I turned to Shane. “How did they get in here?” I whispered.

I saw the guilt in his eyes even as his throat worked with emotion. Damn it! I had seen that same look in his eyes the night he had blindsided me with a surprise dinner with those same bitches years ago. I sucked in a deep breath, my hands clenching into fists as I tried to reign in my growing anger at him. “You?”

“I made a mistake. She called me last night, crying about how she wanted to be a better mother. I felt like shit and I finally just emailed her an invitation. But I realized it was a mistake as soon as I woke up this morning. Emmie tightened security, told them not to let her in. When she didn’t show up for the ceremony we thought she wasn’t going to come… I guess she decided to wait until our guard was down.” He caught hold of my fists, bringing them to his lips. “I’m sorry, beautiful. So sorry I let them ruin our day.”

I closed my eyes, blocking out the sight of his wet eyes and the crowd behind him.

It had been years since I had seen either my mother or stepsister. I hadn’t taken their phone calls. Had tossed out every Christmas card and even the one birthday card my mom had actually remembered to send. Shane had made me realize that I didn’t need them in my life and I wasn’t going to let them guilt me like they once had when I was growing up…

I didn’t need them! And I sure as fuck wasn’t going to let them mess this day up for Shane and me.

I opened my eyes and wrapped my arms around Shane’s neck. “I’m not mad at you,” I told him, kissing his cheek. “Let’s just ignore them. If we pretend they aren’t here… Well that will really piss Mother off.”

Blue-gray eyes widened in surprise. “Really? You aren’t upset with me?”

I shook my head. “I was. For about a minute.” We both grinned, and I stood on my toes to brush my lips across his. “We both know I can’t stay mad at you for more than a minute.”

“Emmie will have security toss their asses out if you want.”

“No. Ariana is queen of scenes and I don’t want to give her the chance to make one. So, like I said, ignore them.” I glanced at Emmie over Shane’s shoulder. When she raised a brow at me, her cell glued to her ear, I shook my head. She shrugged, as if saying it was my party.

“Okay!” Dallas had the microphone now, having relieved the wedding planner of it to make her speech. I turned to face her and Shane wrapped his arms around my waist, his lips brushing over the top of my head. “Well, if you don’t know me then you don’t know Harper. She’s been my best friend since we were both teenagers. We bonded over similar yet at the same time different mommy issues and the shared hatred for Ariana Calloway—who is here by the way! Evil bitch, really, but that’s another story. Today we’re going to talk about Harper and only Harper.”

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