“What are you doing?” I cried as he pulled out of my mouth and turned around.

He leaned down and kissed me softly before grinning. “This is your punishment.” He ran his fingers over my trembling lips. “You shall neither come nor make me come tonight.”

“What?” I groaned as I tried to lean up. “Please.”

“Don’t try and make me jealous again.” His eyes darkened. “I won’t be so gentle next time.”

“That’s it?” I moaned as he untied my wrists. I reached out and touched his chest, and he laughed.

“That’s it, Nancy. You’re not ready for the next step yet.” He stared at my body one last time and sighed. “Now it’s time for us to go home.”

Chapter Thirteen


I knew that I was going to have to whack off as soon as I got to my room. My c**k was rock hard, and it had taken everything in me to walk away from Nancy without f**king her. Every part of her body was sweet as candy, and I knew that, when I finally took her, it was going to be the best sex I’d ever had.

I opened the door to my bedroom, my mind preoccupied with the image of Nancy on the bed spread-eagle. I groaned as I thought about her, so sweet and innocent and trusting. I was so preoccupied with thoughts of her that I didn’t even notice the two men in the room until it was too late.

“Sit down,” a voice commanded, and I froze.


I looked up and sighed as I saw who it was. “What are you doing here?” I asked casually and calmly, as if I didn’t know exactly why they were here.

“You dare to f**k with my daughter?” Brandon’s eyes were dark and his face was murderous.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I shrugged.

“You don’t?” He stood up, and it was then that I saw the gun in his hands.

“What’s going on, Brandon?”

“I wouldn’t play dumb right now, Jaxon.” Greyson’s voice was harsh. “I wouldn’t want Brandon to do something you’d both regret.”

“What do you guys want?” I stared at Brandon for a few seconds, and I could feel the blood draining from my face as my heart sank.

This was the end. There was no coming back from this for me. I closed my eyes and sighed. I felt sad—not because my life was flashing before my eyes, but because I hadn’t gotten to tell Nancy everything I’d wanted to say. And I hadn’t been able to enjoy the night of my life with her.

I opened my eyes and looked at her father with a resigned look on my face. I also felt shocked inside as I realized that I was more worried that I’d never get to talk to her again as opposed to never getting to sleep with her. I knew that I cared for her more than that. Sex was the base of my attraction to her, but it wasn’t the only reason I felt drawn to her.

Chapter Fourteen


“So I thought you’d like to know.” Shannon gave me a small, shy smile.

“Thanks.” I smiled back at her gratefully. “I’m not sure what to think.”

“I guess he really likes you.” She shrugged. “I heard Amber talking to Keenan and he said that Jaxon has never had anything to do with the academy before you got here.”

“I don’t understand why he would want to teach me though.”

“He must like you.” She grinned and leaned forward. “I mean, I saw the way he was looking at you last night. He has the hots for you.”

“That’s his job though.” I sighed and looked down.

I wanted to believe that Jaxon liked me as more than a random stranger, and I did in a way. He wouldn’t have told me about his dad and his plans for revenge if he didn’t like me at all, but was it enough? Was I special? Was I more than a quick dalliance? That, I didn’t know.

“Yeah, but he...” Shannon stopped. “I guess you’ll find out soon.”

“Find out what?” I frowned, wanting her to continue.

“I shouldn’t say.” She shook her head. “It’s not my place to say.”

“Tell me.”

“Well, apparently, he never waits for sex.” Her eyes were wide as she spoke in hushed tones. “Apparently, that’s a sign that he likes you more than he’s letting on.”

“I see.” I nodded, but my insides were burning up with hope.

It had been something I’d been thinking about all night. Why hadn’t he had sex with me yet? I had felt and seen how much he’d wanted me. His penis had been rock hard as he had rubbed it against me and when I’d taken him in my mouth. I was pretty sure that he’d been close to coming. I knew that he’d been punishing himself as much as he’d been punishing me when he’d untied me and we’d left. I knew that he wanted me. I knew that it had to have been hard for him to walk away without getting something. If he was a complete and utter jerk, he would have come in my mouth. He had denied himself as well as me. That had to mean something, didn’t it?

“Should we go downstairs?”

“Yeah, let’s do that.” I nodded, eager to go downstairs and see Jaxon.

I was excited to find out what my lesson was for the day. I wanted to see him and kiss him. I wanted to tell him that I was ready for us to go to the next step. As Shannon and I left the room, I realized for the first time since I’d been at the academy that I was really happy. Yes, there was still danger, and yes, I still didn’t know what was going to happen, but I had Jaxon. And I knew that, with Jaxon on my side, I could get through anything.


They say that time never stands still when you’re really happy. It always goes in fast forward. But when things start to go bad, time stands still. It’s like the world pauses so that you can experience every last emotion, every last drop of pain. I knew that something had happened as soon as I walked down the stairs and into the foyer with Shannon. It was too quiet, and I shivered as soon as we walked towards the dining hall even though the temperature was warm.

“Nancy, there you are.” Amber ran out to greet me, her eyes wild and her usual grin gone.

“Yes, I’m here. Did you need me?” I tried not to sound annoyed, but she was the last person I wanted to see.

“No, not me.” She bit her lower lip and paused before she continued. “The police would like to talk to you.”

“The police?” I frowned, my heartbeat slowing down.

“He’s dead, Nancy.” Her voice rose as she grabbed my shoulders.

“What?” I froze, staring at her in disbelief. “Who? How? What?” My hands rose to my forehead.

“He was murdered.” The blood ran from her face. “And they think it’s because of you.”

“Me?” My jaw dropped, but all I could think was, Who is the he?

“He had a piece of paper in his hand. It had your name on it.”


“He’s dead because of you, Nancy.” Her eyes glittered. “You got him killed.”

“Who?” I whispered, my mind going to Jaxon and Hunter. Which one of them had I gotten killed?

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as my heart broke. I knew that there was one person I wanted alive more than the other, but if he was still alive, it likely meant that he was also the killer. And I wasn’t sure how I felt about that, no matter the reason.

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