"Someone killed themselves here?"

"No one’s died here." He shook his head. "Though I suppose that could solve a lot of problems."

"Then why?"

"Sex. Selling sex."

My eyes widened. "Is this a whorehouse?"

"Depends in your definition of a whorehouse. Do we train high-class escorts? Yes. Do we work for the johns? No."

"I don't get you. You're telling me that you train prostitutes?" I looked at him in disappointment.

"Not prostitutes. Escorts. There's a difference."

"What's the difference?"

"A few grand a night and no street corners." He grinned at me, but I didn't smile back.

"You're being serious here? You're training me to be a prostitute?"


"You're not going to be an escort, no." His eyes darkened.

"That was the plan though, wasn't it? To pimp me out?"

"Nancy." He grabbed my hand and led me back to the bedroom.

"Don't Nancy me! That was your dad’s plan, right? To turn me into a working girl."


"So you're my pimp?"

"I'm not a pimp."

"Or should I call you my john?"

"It's okay for me to teach you about sex but not for you to be an escort? Don't you see something hypocritical there?"

"I didn't come to learn about sex or to be a ho." I tightened the towel around me as I sat on my bed.

"You came to be with Hunter." He frowned and pursed his lips at me.

"How did you even know to hire him?" I looked up at him in confusion. "Or was this some weird coincidence?"

"My dad has a friend named Frank."

"Frank!" I felt myself growing angry. If I'd only known how much my mother’s ex-boyfriend had betrayed me. I was so angry that I'd trusted him for even a minute.

"He told us everything he knew about you."

"I guess you think you know my life story now."

"We knew about your crush on Hunter." He sighed. "So my father found Hunter and offered him a job."

"And then Frank told me where he worked," I said bitterly. "So I was set up."

"At least you've still got Hunter."

"Yeah." I sighed. "There's that."

"And you've got me as your teacher."

"My pimp. Yay. I have a pimp."

"You can leave if you want. I won't stop you." He sat next to me on the bed.

"Why are you telling me all of this?" I frowned. "And if I leave, what happens next?"

"If you leave, my dad will find another way to get revenge on your dad."

"So it's in my best interests to stay." I sighed.

"Well, Brandon's." He shrugged.

"My dad and my family are my life," I whispered. "I would never let anything happen to them."

"You have Hunter too."

"And you." I looked at him and saw him cringe at my comment. "I'm joking, Jaxon. I know I don't have you. I'm just grateful to you for telling me the truth."

"It's the least I could do."

"So what next? I go along and make your dad think you're training me?"

"Yeah." He nodded. "That's basically it for now."

"So when's our next lesson?" I took a deep breath.

"We can have one now."


"The art of relaxation and letting go." He ran his fingers across my bare shoulders and I jumped.

"What are you doing?" I looked at him through lowered lashes.

"I want to teach you how to relax."

"I am relaxed."

"The tension in your shoulders tells me otherwise." His fingertips massaged me. "To be a confident woman and lover, you have to be relaxed and comfortable at all times."


"Lean back."


"Just do it."

"Uhm, you're moving a bit fast, aren't you? Revelation to lesson in 2.5 seconds."

"What would you prefer?"

"I wouldn't mind a revelation from you."

"What?" He frowned and pushed me back into the bed.

"If we're going to continue being intimate, I want to know more about you." I stared up at him and looked into his surprised eyes. I'd surprised myself as well. I really did want to know about him.

"What's there to know? I'm imperfectly perfect."

"Imperfectly perfect?" I reached up and touched his face. "I like that. I guess I'm perfectly imperfect."

"I'd say you're pretty perfect." He smiled and collapsed on the bed next to me.

"What are you doing?"

"Switching off for a second." He turned towards me. "It's tiring being me."

"You sound like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders." I stared at the lines in his face. "What do you do for a living?"

"A little bit of this and a bit of that. Business stuff mostly. Mainly stocks."

"Okay." I took a deep breath. "What about your love life?"

"What about it?" He frowned, and I stared at his handsome features so close to mine.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"You think I have a girlfriend?"

"I don't know."

"I was just fingering you." His hands ran across my collarbone.

"What?" I looked away from him and shifted my legs. I could feel myself growing wet at his words.

"If I had a girlfriend, I wouldn't have been fingering you. I wouldn't be lying here next to you, wanting to rip your towel off and bury my head in your pussy."

"I see."

"Do you really, Nancy?" His eyes glittered into mine.

"Do you say these outlandish things because you think you're shocking me?" I grinned at the look of surprise in his face. "You can't shock me, Jaxon. I went to public school. I just got out of a crazy stint at the private club. I might look demure and sweet, but I've got a backbone and it takes a lot to shock me."

"I don't know what to say." He looked searchingly in my eyes.

"Don't tell me. You don't know anyone quite like me."

"You took the words right out of my mouth." He shook his head.

"My best friend is kick-ass." I grinned at him. "I learned it all from her."


"Yeah." I nodded. "I never had someone like her in my life before. Someone so feminine yet so fearless and kick-ass. She taught me that you do anything for friends and family. You do anything for love."

"Who are you doing this for? Your love of your family or your love of Hunter?" He held a hand up. "Actually, don't answer that. I'm not sure I want to know."

"What's your preoccupation with me and Hunter? Do you like him or not?"

"I don't care about him either way. If you haven't figured it out yet, I don't care much about others."

"Why not?"

"Maybe because my father is the male Mrs. Havisham."

"Great Expectations?"

"You read a lot?"

"A bit." I shrugged. "We did Dickens in AP English."

"You remind me of our age difference when you talk about AP anything." He groaned.

"What do you care?" I raised an eyebrow and laughed. I was starting to feel giddy while lying here, talking to Jaxon as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

"I guess I don't." He raised an eyebrow back at me, slowly reached down, and tugged on the knot at the top of my towel.

I felt it opening and falling off my body and to the bed. I lay there, staring at him confidently, not wanting him to know how badly I wanted to cover myself again. He reached over, and I felt his fingers lightly grazing my nipples.

"You've got beautiful breasts."

"Have you ever had a girlfriend?" I asked him softly, curious as to who this man was.

"Nope." He shook his head, his eyes darkening. "I don't lie to women."

"Have you never wanted a girlfriend?"

"I like sex and I get it without a title." He shrugged.

"You look so hard on the exterior, but I don't believe it." I shook my head. "You're not so hard, are you?"

"I like it hard."

"Who are you, Jaxon Cade?"

"That's not any—" He started, but I interrupted him.

"I know it's not my business. I'm no one, yada yada yada." I smiled at him and then gasped as he pinched my nipple hard. "But I want to get to know you better. You're an enigma. You told me things you didn't have to. We're friends."

"With benefits." He grinned.

"You could say that." I moved closer to him. "You don't make me feel bad, you know."

"Bad about what?"

"Your comments. I feel like you're deliberately trying to goad or disparage me, but you're not. I like it when you touch me. I'm attracted to you. My body wants you. My brain is intrigued by you. I like this."

I grabbed his hand and pushed it down. I held my breath as I realized what I was doing. I saw Jaxon's eyes widen as I pushed his hand between my legs and against my wet pussy.

“Yes, I’m already wet.” I gasped as I felt his fingers moving of their own volition against me. “I’m doing this because I want to.”

“Because you want to be with me?” His words were light, and I moaned as he rubbed me urgently.

I was about to nod when I saw the door to my bedroom open slightly and a face peek in.

“Hunter!” I gasped out, and the door closed quickly.

I looked to see if Jaxon had witnessed Hunter poking his head through the door as well, but he looked at me with a disgusted expression and dropped his hand. It was then that I realized that he thought I’d been correcting him. He thought I was doing all of this with him because I wanted to be with Hunter.

I lay back and stared at the ceiling as my heart thudded. If I were smart, I’d be thinking about Hunter, but I knew that, while I still thought Hunter was cute, he hadn’t really been on my mind since I’d met Jaxon. There was something about Jaxon that captivated me. He was so completely unlike all of the other men I’d ever thought about or daydreamed about, but he was also better than all of my daydreams combined. He took my body on highs I hadn’t even known existed.

However, I knew I wasn’t going to tell him that. There was still a part of me that was unsure if I could trust him. Yes, he’d told me about his father’s wanting revenge on Brandon, but I wasn’t sure if that was the whole story. Something was still extremely fishy, and I was not leaving until I had it all figured out.

Chapter Seven


I hadn’t thought hearing Nancy say Hunter’s name would have affected me as much as it had. My blood was boiling hot. I couldn’t believe that she was still muttering his name. I was positive that she was doing it to rile me up and make me jealous. Little did she know that I didn’t get jealous. I would never be jealous of her wanting that wannabe man. He was nothing. I could crush him with my bare hands. The fact that she thought he was cute told me a lot about her state of mind.

What smart woman would ever think he was cute? Would ever be in a bed with me and calling out his name? I felt my face heating up as I stared at her na**d body next to mine. She was too damn sexy for her own good. My c**k was hard with desire and about to burst. I wanted to take her so badly. I could almost feel how good it would be inside of her. Her pu**y would be wet and tight as I entered her hard and fast. Her lips would part slightly and she would cry out in pleasure as I gave her orgasm after orgasm. She’d never think of Hunter’s name again. All she’d be able to say is, “Jaxon, please. Jaxon, please.”

I ran my fingers across her stomach, and she rolled over on top of me. I was surprised at her movements and still angry at her for saying his name.

“You have a thing for my lap, don’t you?”

“Your lap has a thing for me,” she whispered down against my lips as her br**sts rubbed against my chest.

“Oh that’s not a thing.” I grabbed her hips, placed her pu**y directly on my bulge, and moved her back and forth so that she was straddling me and rubbing her cl*tagainst my hardness. “That’s a pleasure maker,” I growled as she continued moving her lips back and forth. I closed my eyes and then pushed her off of me. She wasn’t allowed to come again until I was positive that she had thoughts only for me. “I’m leaving.” I jumped off of the bed.

“Jaxon.” She groaned as she lay back on the bed and looked up at me.

“I’ll see you later, Nancy.” I walked out of the room and didn’t look back. I had a feeling that sex was going to be the undoing of Nancy, but what scared me most was that she was going to be the undoing of me.

Chapter Eight


My dreams were filled with Jaxon. Jaxon smiling. Jaxon looking angry. Jaxon touching me. Me on top of Jaxon. I woke up feeling horny and tired. My eyes felt like they were full of sand, and I just felt miserable and confused. I knew that I was in over my head. I knew that I should go home.

The thought of being here and being sexual with a man whose father was trying to take my father down seemed stupid. I wasn't sure what I was accomplishing by letting Jaxon touch me and teach me. I knew if I was honest with myself that I liked it. I liked him more than I wanted to admit and I wanted to experience more of him. I wanted to break his shell and understand him better. I groaned as I realized that I was the epitome of every other girl who met a man who had issues. I wanted to be the one to break through and figure him out. And it was all based on physical chemistry.

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