Being in the bow, I had, of course, a better view

than from the bridge. Presently I made out that the boat, which had all

along seemed to be of a queer shape, was none other than a Coffin, and

that the woman standing up in it was clothed in a shroud. Her back was

towards us, and she had evidently not heard our approach. As we were

creeping along slowly, the engines were almost noiseless, and there was

hardly a ripple as our fore-foot cut the dark water. Suddenly there was

a wild cry from the bridge--Italians are certainly very excitable; hoarse

commands were given to the Quartermaster at the wheel; the engine-room

bell clanged. On the instant, as it seemed, the ship's head began to


swing round to starboard; full steam ahead was in action, and before one

could understand, the Apparition was fading in the distance. The last

thing I saw was the flash of a white face with dark, burning eyes as the

figure sank down into the coffin--just as mist or smoke disappears under

a breeze."

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