The bathing pools were in an open solarium with frosted glass. Large exotic plants and trees separated each of the pools to give privacy. The pools were all connected so the water ran from one to the other and felt very much like a flowing river. You could actually swim from one smaller pool to the next one around a curve.

I chose to walk the length of the solarium and picked out my favorite pool. It tended to be the most secluded and least used. Splashing in the next pool over told me that there were others using the bathing pools.

The only reason I enjoyed coming here was because it was big enough to swim in and I found out that I loved swimming. Today I chose it because it would make Kael uncomfortable in trying to secure something with so much foliage and bends and twists and turns, and there was also a back exit.

So far I hadn’t spoken a word to him, but I knew without even asking that the Adepts must have assigned him as my bodyguard. That rankled, because right now, I couldn’t even stand to be near him.

Making sure he was busy on the other side of the pools, I quickly bathed, changed as fast as I could, and slipped out the back door. Walking on tiptoe I rounded the corner and walked right into Kael’s broad chest. I jumped in surprise.

“What are you doing?” I demanded, while trying to regain my composure. Kael looked at me in surprise and raised an eyebrow at me.

“Well, I would think that was obvious?” he scowled. “I’m keeping you safe. I’ve been given an assignment. I’m your new guard.”

“Thanks, but NO! You can tell the Adept Council that I politely declined your services.” I moved down the hall with no particular destination in mind, as long as it was far away from him as possible.

“So you think of sneaking out the back door of the baths as your way of politely declining? If that’s the case, than I think that your manners could use some improving.”

“Maybe it’s what you deserve?”

“Or maybe it’s that you would prefer someone else as your bodyguard altogether; someone like Joss? Who is probably still hiding in your room, by the way.”


The inflection he put behind his words hinted at some other meaning and froze me in my tracks.

Turning on him in a blaze of fury, I struck out my hand toward his cheek in anger and he deftly caught it midair. Pulling on my captured wrist I spat out the words, “It is none of your business who I invite in my rooms. And yes, anyone would be preferable to you.”

“Too bad, you’ve got me.”

“Then I will speak with the Adept Council myself.”

Kael had still not let go of my wrist and it was starting to hurt. I could see his jaw set in anger and I was feeling a faint pounding in my head, which started to happen whenever he was near me. Looking at his hand, I saw that he kept a short leather bracer on his right arm and not the left. He caught me staring at it and he dropped my hand suddenly.

Trying to rub the feeling back into my wrist, I noticed that I would have some bruising. When Kael noticed what he had done to my arm, his blue eyes turned down in shame.

“You’re right, you need to find someone else, anyone else, and fast.”

Walking away from me, he stopped and waited for me to follow. “It’s time for the assembly, we need to get going.”

Knowing that he was right and we would both be heading in the same direction anyway, I followed. I was trying to make my hair decent by running my fingers through it and pulling out the knots. I left in such a hurry from the baths I spared no time for my hair. Quickly I twirled it into a bun and was trying to get it to stay without any pins, when Kael knelt, and pulled out of his boot a very slender silver knife that was in a sheath. Spinning me around, he grabbed my hair. I was scared that he had gone crazy and was going to cut it all off in punishment.

Instead, he deftly inserted it into the bun in one smooth motion. Giving my head a test shake, it held tight. Looking at him puzzled, he said, “The women in my clan often wear weapons in their hair for protection. It isn’t the right size for you, but it will do until we find you something else.”

I was left speechless and confused.

The main hall was packed for the Assembly. Spotting Avina and Berry, I waved and tried to make my way through the tables to where they sat. I was unprepared when a foot shot out and tripped me. Feeling myself fall forward, I felt a jerk as a hand steadied me. Turning toward my antagonist, I wasn’t surprised at all to see Syrani.

“There is no way that you could have won last night without cheating. And I’m going to prove it. I was one of the last students to be hit, and I’m going to appeal the contest results.” She smiled smugly.

Kael released my arm and turned toward Syrani. She smiled in delight when she saw how handsome Kael was. She brightened as he leaned in and whispered in her ear. Her smile quickly disappeared and her face turned white when Kael moved away, looking every inch the deadly SwordBrother.

Feeling a moment of smugness, I hurried over and sat on the bench by Berry and Avina, greeting both of them with kisses and hugs, reassuring them both that I was fine.

“Oh, Thalia, I did what you asked and unlocked the wood chute door. But when I came in this morning I noticed that someone had put a mop and bucket there. Please tell me that wasn’t there earlier?”

“Everything’s fine, Avina. You did great!”

Sitting back, I held each of their hands in mine and for once in my life felt happy and content, which is odd considering how I was almost murdered last night.

Joss came in and made his way over to me. Avina moved over to make room for Joss, but before Joss could sit, Kael’s large form occupied the spot.

I rolled my eyes at Joss over Kael’s head and he grinned and sat behind me, giving me a quick shoulder squeeze. Kael glared at Joss’ hand until he dropped it back into his lap.

“Faraway,” I called to my horse. Instantly an image of him in his stall came to my mind.


“Remind me that the next time Kael and I are near you, that you will kick him for me.”

He sent an image of Kael face down in a mud puddle back at me. I chuckled, until I saw Kael looking at me. Feeling somewhat chagrined, I waited patiently until the assembly began.

Each of the Adepts spoke in turn, congratulating various students and guards for their prowess and abilities. Joss was recognized for his kills. I was announced as the winner of the game, since I had taken out two attackers and was able to kill the SwordBrother. Looking sideways at Kael I felt a blush run up my cheek, and I decided that my feet were more interesting. I felt guilty in the way I had won, considering Kael had just saved my life and I killed him to probably save mine. Today Kael seemed saner, but not by much.

Commander Meryl arose and awarded his soldiers and Captains with prizes and medals. Garit was given top marks for taking out the second most students. I whistled in encouragement when his name was called.

When Commander Meryl talked about Kael, the room became quiet and still. He described the SwordBrother’s cunning and courage, how he disguised himself as a student and walked in the front door. When the Commander counted out how many of the students and guards were taken out by him alone, the room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Kael alone had taken out seventy percent of the guard and student population. The meanings behind the sheer numbers woke up the students and the guards. I could feel the mood of the room shift to apprehension.

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