“Tilt your head back.”

She did and he washed her hair while she leaned back against his chest. He massaged her head in gentle, circular motions. Other than an orgasm, having Nathan wash her hair was the best sensation ever.


She rinsed her hair, conditioned it, then stepped out of the water. Nathan was there with soap in his hand.

She felt revived now that she’d gotten out of the heat—and that damned loft. She stepped forward and turned so Nathan could apply soap to her back. His hands on her body felt so good. After she rinsed, he soaped up his hands again and spread them over her shoulders and down her breasts, circling his thumbs over her nipples.

She sucked in a breath as pleasure spiraled. He continued to wash her breasts, teasing her nipples until they were taut, tight buds. He moved his hand over her stomach and cupped her pussy, rubbing back and forth in light, easy motions.

“Nathan.” She gripped his arms.

“I know what you need to relax you. You need a good orgasm. The kind that makes you scream.”

Her sex quivered and pulsed with tingling sensation. And when he released her and took the handle of the shower head off to rinse her, then got down on his knees and put his mouth over her, she had to palm the wall for support.

Water rained down over her head and shoulders, warm and inviting, while Nathan’s mouth and tongue performed a magical dance over her quivering pussy, taking her right to the edge. She was pent up, hovering right near the precipice of orgasm. She wanted to stay right there, to feel those tingling sensations until the end of time.

But she couldn’t hold back and she came with a strangled cry, her limbs shaking as the waves of orgasm pounded over her. She was gasping for air when Nathan stood and kissed her, taking the remaining breath she had with a passionate kiss that left her legs trembling.


He reached around and turned off the shower, then dragged her out with him. He reached for a towel and dried both of them off.

“I need to be inside of you. I need to fuck you.”

She nodded, feeling satiated and drugged with pleasure, yet needing exactly what Nathan wanted, too.

“Condoms are in the drawer on the bedside table,” she said.

He took her by the hand and led her to her bedroom. He opened the drawer and put a condom on his beautiful, hard cock, then lay on the bed and pulled her on top of him.

“Ride me,” he said.

With a shuddering sigh, she climbed on top of him and slid onto his shaft, her body still experiencing the aftereffects of that mind-blowing orgasm. So when she was fully seated on top of him, she tightened around him.

“Fuck. Do you feel that?”

“Yes.” She moved forward, sliding against him. The sensations were so good they almost made her weep with joy. She held on to his arms and soaked in the heated passion in his gaze.

“My dick got hard watching you mow the lawn,” he said. “Do you have any idea how fucking sexy you looked doing that?”

That made her lips curve. She had felt sweaty and awful. To hear Nathan say she looked hot was everything she needed to hear. She dug her nails into his arms and rocked against him, dragging her clit along his pelvis, bringing herself even closer to coming again.

And when the pulses sparked within her, he grasped her hips.

“Yeah, I feel it. Now come on my cock and take me with you.”

His gritty voice was all it took to make her take off. She dropped down on top of him and ground against him, splintering with her orgasm.

Nathan groaned and grasped her butt, drawing her closer as he shuddered. She put her lips against his and kissed him, lost in the pleasure of his cock, of her own climax and of how it felt to be connected to him.

After, she lay on top of him listening to the beat of his heart against her chest. She was exhausted. Nathan stroked her back and she closed her eyes and let herself drift off.

When she woke up, they were curled together, her leg flung over his. She had no idea how long they’d been asleep, but someone was knocking on her door. She tried to blink back the cobwebs.

“Hey, Mia. Are you in there?”

It was Aubry. Mia pulled herself out of the bed and grabbed her robe that was draped over the nearby chair. She slipped it on and cracked open the door.

“I’m so sorry,” Aubry said. “Were you napping?”

“Just a short nap. The heat from mowing zapped me.”

“Okay. Your mom sent me to look for you. It’s time to get ready for the rehearsal.”

“Got it. I’ll be right down.”

“Sure.” Aubry’s lips lifted. “You might tell Nathan the guys were looking for him, too.”

Mia looked over her shoulder to see Nathan sitting up in her bed. And obviously Aubry had spotted him, too.

Well, shit.

“Will do. And, Aubry? Try not to spread that around.”

“Hey, I’ve been where you are. Trust me, I saw nothing.”

“Thanks. I’ll see you shortly.”

She shut the door and leaned against it, then looked over at Nathan. His hair was tousled from sleep, the sheet barely covering his best parts. She wanted to climb back in bed and sex him up again. And again.

He dragged his fingers through his hair and smiled at her. “Who was that?”

“Aubry. It’s time to get ready for the wedding rehearsal.”

“Oh. Yeah. I’d better get out of your way and let you handle that.”

He slid out of bed and grabbed his clothes, coming toward the door.

“You’re going to get dressed, right?”

“Why? My room is right across from yours. And my clothes are dirty.”

She shook her head. “Hang on.”

She popped the door open a crack and took a peek outside. No one was in the hall. “Okay, go.”

He leaned over and kissed her. “See you later.”


He dashed across the hall and opened the door, then quickly shut it. She wondered what was going to happen if Leo was in there.

That was his problem to explain, she supposed.

She went into the bathroom and looked at her hair. Since she’d fallen asleep with it damp, it was a hot mess. At least she didn’t have super-long hair anymore, so she rinsed it in the sink, dried it and flat ironed it into submission.

Much better now. Then she did her makeup, grabbed her dress and heels and put those on, along with her jewelry. All in all, she’d done it in record time.

She went downstairs and into the living room, searching for Harmony or her family. No one was in there. They weren’t in the kitchen, either, so she went outside toward the wedding barn, which was just outside the front door and across the newly paved walkway. When Mom had heard Harmony and Barrett wanted the wedding here, she’d insisted the walkway be paved.

Personally, Mia was grateful for that because she would not have wanted to make this trek on gravel while wearing heels.

She made her way through the barn doors. She remembered this barn being filled with hay. Now it was bright and shiny and painted like new. The floors had also been cemented, and it was filled with chairs for tomorrow’s ceremony. There was a beautiful white arbor at the front of the barn and by tomorrow the place would be filled with flowers.

“Aubry said you took a nap.”

Mia turned to see her mother had come to stand beside her. “Yes.”

Her mom laid her hand across her forehead. “Are you feeling all right?”

“I’m fine, Mom. I was just hot and tired after mowing, so I took a shower and laid down on the bed for a minute to close my eyes, and I guess I fell asleep.”

Her mother nodded. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

“I’m sorry I overslept.”

“It’s all right. You didn’t miss anything. The minister was running late so we’re just about to get started.”

“Oh, good.”

Suzanne, the wedding planner, came up to Mia’s mom.

“I think we’re ready now, Lydia. I’m trying to get everyone in position, so if you can take your place, we’ll get started.”

Mom nodded. “All right.”

All the women settled in at the back of the barn, along with Harmony’s brother, Drake, who’d be walking her down the aisle since her father was deceased.

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