He let go of her hands and framed her face with his palm. She sifted her fingers through his hair and kissed him, drawing him closer by throwing her leg over his hip. She felt the hard evidence of his erection rub against her as they wound themselves together.

“The condoms are in my bag.”

“Yeah, we’ll get to that. I need to taste you first.”

“That’s not necessary.”

Again, that half smile that told her he was going to get what he wanted. And what he wanted was her. “You getting off as many times as possible is necessary, Mia.”

She shuddered in a breath. “Nathan. The things you make me feel.”

“Babe, we haven’t even started yet.”

He pushed her onto her back, then slid down between her legs and put his mouth on her sex.

She died a little bit again as he expertly slipped his tongue inside of her, then bathed her in the warmth of sensual pleasure with his mouth. She surprised even herself when she came again almost immediately, her whole body trembling with the force of her orgasm.

When Nathan kissed his way up her body, lingering at her hips, her stomach and her breasts, she somehow found her breath again.

He loomed over her and grinned. “Yeah, I’d say you needed those few orgasms.”


She reached out to smooth his hair off his forehead. “I guess so.”

“Now I’m gonna explode if I don’t get inside of you.”

She’d wanted that for so long she felt the same way. Her lips curved. “Again, condoms are in my bag. I’ll go get them.”

“Nah, I’ll get mine. You stay right there.”

“Great idea, since I’m fairly sure my bones have turned to liquid.”

He reached down to their discarded pile of clothes and came up with a condom packet in his fingers. “Let’s get this party started.”

She was sure the party was already in full swing. But she was more than game to let this particular party go on all night long.

He kneeled above her. She reached out to grasp his cock, closing her hand over the shaft so she could touch him, watching as he closed his eyes.

“That’s it. Stroke it.”

He was velvety hard in her hands, and as a pearl-sized drop of liquid slid from the tip, she swept it onto her thumb and used it to coat the head, swirling it around with her thumb.

Nathan groaned. “I’ve thought about you touching me, imagined it when I jerk off.”

Hearing him say that made her sex quiver. “Do you think about me?”

“Hell yes. You, naked, spread-eagled on a bed like you are now. Mostly my fantasies revolve around you getting yourself off and me watching you. Or you sucking my cock while you touch yourself and get yourself off.”

Her sex thrummed listening to Nathan describe his fantasies in such graphic detail.

“We’ll have to make that happen.”

He tore the condom open and slid it onto his cock. “Yeah, we will. But now I need to be inside of you.”

She needed that, too, nearly quaked with the need for it. “Yes.”

He dropped down on top of her, careful to keep his weight off her as he entered her.

It was sweet bliss to feel him ease into her, especially seeing the look on his face, his expression so intense as he seated himself fully inside of her. She could feel her body acclimate and tighten around him.

Other than blissful memories of awesome sex, that one drunken night they’d had together previously was a bit of a blur. She remembered heavy breathing, soft murmurs, some laughing and a lot of orgasms. Now she was fully cognizant of Nathan’s crisp, clean scent, the feel of his skin as she smoothed her hand across his shoulder and down his arm, the way it felt to be held against him. Mia thought it would be awkward to be intimate with someone she knew so well as a friend.

It wasn’t awkward at all. If anything, she felt as if this was where she was always supposed to be.

“Damn, you feel good,” he whispered, then bent to kiss her, a hot tangle of lips and tongues that made her body light up with hot waves of sensation, as if she’d been hit by a lightning bolt of pleasure through her nerve endings.

And then he began to move, and it got better, if that were even possible. She dug her heels into the mattress and lifted her hips to move with him, meeting him with each thrust, her body and mind melding into the powerful sensual forces that flowed through her.

Yes, it had been a while for her, but this was really good. Maybe it was because of the close connection she already shared with Nathan. This wasn’t first-time sex with someone she barely knew, where she was always a little hesitant, always held herself back.

She already had a bond with Nathan. He had no expectations and neither did she. Nathan knew her better than any guy ever had, and for that, she felt freer than ever before to give of herself.

What she received in return was way more than she had ever anticipated. So when she felt the tremors of orgasm approaching once more, she let go, knowing she was safe, that he’d take her there with no hesitations.

He cupped her butt and raised her pelvis, then ground against her until she flew. She gripped his arms and wound her legs around his hips.

“Oh, fuck yeah,” he said, shuddering as he came with her. She held on to him, feeling every inch of him as he let go.

It was a wild, uncontrollable and very long, satisfying finish. And the best sex she’d had in a long time.

Nathan licked her neck and breathed heavily against her throat. Mia wasn’t certain she was even breathing. All she knew was that had been so, so amazing. Even her fingers tingled. That had to be a sign of great sex, right?

Nathan moved to the side of her, then off the bed to disappear into her bathroom for a few seconds. When he came out, he leaned against the doorway.

“I don’t know about you, but I’m thirsty as hell.”

She rolled over to face him. “I could drink about a gallon of water. There’s some in the mini fridge.”

He went to the fridge and pulled out two of the large bottled waters, unscrewed the caps and handed one to her. She sat up and leaned against the headboard, watching Nathan as he stood next to the bed and guzzled down at least half of his bottle. She took a few deep swallows herself before setting hers on the nightstand.

Nathan put his down on the other nightstand, then crawled into bed and pulled Mia down next to him.

“That was pretty good for round one.”

She laughed. “Round one, huh? It’s a good thing I have that box of condoms.”

He arched a brow. “Oh, you brought a whole box, huh? Planning an orgy?”

Her lips curved. “Not an orgy, but it’s been a dry spell for me.”

He cupped her sex and began to rub her with gentle strokes. “Dry spell’s over, babe. And I’ve got lots of stamina.”

Despite having had multiple orgasms, her body awakened with renewed desire again. There was something about Nathan touching her that made her hot and feverish with just a touch. And since she figured this was just tonight and then they’d go back to being friends, she intended to use him and use him well.

She gave him a wicked grin. “Good. Because you’re going to need stamina tonight.”


IT HAD BEEN SEVERAL DAYS SINCE HIS WEEKEND WITH Mia at Napa. They’d both been busier than hell and they hadn’t seen each other. Mia had told him she’d be swamped with meetings, and Nathan’s mind-set was all about training camp coming up. He wanted as much time at the gym with his trainer as he could get so he’d be in top shape.

When he’d dropped Mia off after the weekend, he’d expected awkwardness between them. He should have known better. Mia hugged him and told him she’d had a great time, then smiled and said she’d talk to him sometime next week. Then she’d said good-bye, just as if nothing had happened. As if the sex hadn’t happened.

Which was fine with him. Mostly. Except he knew at some point they’d have to talk about where they’d left things and about the status of their relationship.

But for now, he had to get his head wrapped around football.

He already knew he was in prime physical condition. He went to the gym every day. His trainer was working him hard, and the results were showing. He felt good. He watched what he ate. He was ready for this.

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