“Hey, do you mind if I light up right here?” Jonah the Dipshit asks as he settles on my bed, crossing his legs. He’s one of my regulars who’s slightly annoying and gets on my nerves, but I’m bored and need a distraction. And I’m fairly certain Luke thinks I came back here to do something with him, by the jealous look on his face. I don’t like how pleased I am at the idea that he might be jealous. But he has no right to be, considering he had that skank on his lap who has so many curves her skirt and shirt couldn’t even conceal them.

“Do whatever you want.” I shrug, sifting through the songs on my laptop. The song titles are hard to read though and the longer I squint at them, the more bored and restless I get. Finally, I randomly click on one and “Make Damn Sure” by Taking Back Sunday starts playing. Then I decide to search out Stan Walice, see if I can get any information on him. Go kick his ass. It’d make me feel better. I run a search on him and add Channel 8, then squint at the screen. It’s hard to tell which one is him… they all look blurry.

“God, this shit smells good.” Jonah grins as he slips his pipe out of his pocket. He’s fairly good-looking for a pothead, and not rich like most of my regular clients. He has a beanie on his head, a fraying leather band on his wrist, and a few holes in his jeans. I have the lamp on and I can see his pupils are dilated. He takes the remainder of the weed out of my prescription bottle and packs it into his pipe. I was sort of surprised when Greyson gave it back to me, only taking a little for his pot brownies. Most people would have taken it all.

Jonah says something to me as he frees the smoke from his chest, but I only crank the music up and continue my search for information on Stan Walice. But after a while I give up because the blurriness and brightness of the screen is stinging my eyes. I move the computer aside, then dig for some gum in the nightstand drawer, but all I have is a bag of suckers. I take one out and pop it into my mouth to get rid of the nasty taste of alcohol embedded in my taste buds. Then I lie down on the bed and gaze up at the ceiling. I can’t stop thinking about that reporter and his questions. What if he shows up again? What if I can’t handle it? Am I handling it right now? There’s a calm-before-the-storm feeling inside my chest, waves ripping, white tipped, ready to rise higher as they soar for the shore. The question is where is the shore? Me? Someone else? I need to do something. I’m too unsettled.

I crank the music down and sit up as Jonah takes another hit from his pipe and smoke fills the room. I pull my knees up and watch him toke over and over again as I suck on the sucker. He says nothing, but keeps eyeing the sucker in my mouth, or my mouth—I can’t tell for certain. I bounce back and forth on whether I want to kick him out so I can get my adrenaline rush solo or do I want him around? Could I use him for anything? When I kissed Luke it’d felt good and distracting. I wonder if Jonah could give me the same effect. I could try it, because I kind of need it tonight. Need to forget about my life. About my job. About Stan, the stupid reporter.

“What? Why are you looking at me like you want to f**k me?” Jonah asks with a grin, a cloud of smoke snaking from his lips.

“I’m not.” I kneel up on the bed and sweep my hair to the side as I inch closer, pulling the sucker out of my mouth. My shirt’s ridden up and Jonah takes in my bare skin with a lazy grin on his face. I could kiss him and find out if Jonah is as good of a distraction as Luke. I’ve never been one for kissing, but maybe something’s changed, maybe I could—

Someone hammers on the door. “Violet, open the f**king door.” It’s Luke’s voice and it’s full of anger.

Jonah’s eyes bulge as he coughs on a breath full of weed. “Oh shit, is Luke your boyfriend?”

I roll my eyes as Luke bangs on the door again. “In the year that I’ve been dealing to you have you ever seen me with a boyfriend?”

He shrugs, flicking the lighter. “No, but I don’t know anything about you—no one does.”


I open my mouth to agree with him, when Luke starts banging on the door over and over again. Shaking my head, I get up from the bed, tripping over the bottom of my skirt when I step on it, and brace myself on the door. Luke bangs on the door again and I jerk it open. He’s still in the middle of banging on the door and his fist flies toward me. I don’t move and he barely stops in time, right before he hits me in the face. He lowers his fist to his side, looking startled, but then the look vanishes and he pushes past me and into the room.

“Get the f**k out,” he says to Jonah in this calm, unsettling tone as he nods his head at the door.

Jonah moves the pipe away from his mouth. “What the hell’s your problem? I’m just sitting here smoking a bowl. I didn’t touch her.”

Luke walks up to the bed and grabs the pipe from Jonah’s hands. “You’re my problem. Now get the f**k out.”

Jonah gets up from the bed. He’s shorter than Luke, but thicker in the body. Still he does what he’s asked and heads for the door, pausing before he steps out. “Can I at least have my pipe back?”

Luke shoves him out the door, and then he tosses the pipe at him. Jonah misses it and it hits the floor, spilling singed bud all over the carpet. Jonah curses as Luke slams the door and locks it. I’m tingling from head to toe as I wait for him to turn around, but he doesn’t, he just leans his head against the door.

He has on a black shirt and jeans that are just tight enough to make his ass look really nice. Maybe his ass just looks really nice though. I’ve never really paid attention to it until now. I put the sucker into my mouth, tilting my head to the side to get a better look. When he turns toward me, I don’t even bother trying to hide the fact that I was just checking him out. I’m drunk and careless and every blasé personality trait of mine is amplified.

He rubs his hand over his cropped brown hair, his arm muscles rippling. “You’re driving me f**king crazy.”

“You say that a lot.” I roll the sucker in my mouth and his eyes dart to it.

He stares at me, his eyes large and radiating desire. “Are you doing that on purpose?” he asks with a feral look as he nods his head at the sucker in my mouth.

The sucker clicks on my teeth. “No, I had the taste of tequila on my breath and this is the only thing I had in the room that’d cover it up.”

He slumps back against the door, looking worn out. “I bet Jonah was loving it.”

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