Im sorry, Eve said in a small voice. I didnt thinkIm so used to thinking of the cops as enemies, and besides, they were just trying to kill us. Right?

Things change. We have to adapt.

Michael was pretty much the king of that, Claire thought. Hed gone from a serious musician with his whole focus on making a name for himself, to a part-time ghost trapped in a house, to a part-time ghost trapped in a house forced to take in roommates to make the bills. And now he was trying to save their lives, and he still couldnt escape himself.

Michael was just soresponsible. Claire couldnt even imagine how someone got that way. Maturity, she guessed, but that was a lot like a road through fog to her. She had no idea how she was supposed to get there. Then again, she supposed nobody really did know, and you just stumbled through it.

They waited.

After about five minutes there was a wail of sirens in the distancevery faint, because the room was well soundproofed. That meant the sirens were close. Maybe even by the house already. Claire rose and pressed the button concealed in the lions-head arm of the couch, and the sirens immediately increased in volume as the secret door opened. She hurried down the steps and peered out. No one in the hallway, but from downstairs she heard angry shouting, and then the sound of a door banging open. Motorcycle engines roaring, tires squealing.

Theyre going, she yelled up, and pelted out into the hallway, down the stairs, breathless to find Shane.

Shane was up against the wall, and his father was holding him by the throat. Outside, police sirens suddenly cut off.

Traitor, Shanes dad said. He had a knife in his hand. Youre a traitor. Youre dead to me.

Claire skidded to a stop, found her voice, and said, Sir, youd better get out of here unless you want to end up talking to the vampires.

Shanes father turned his face toward her, and his expression was twisted with fury. You little bitch, he said. Turning my son against me.


No Shane grabbed at his fathers hand, trying to pry it free. Dont Claire backed up. For a second, neither Shane nor his dad moved, and then Shanes father let him go, and raced for the kitchen door. Shane dropped to his knees, choking, and Claire went to him

just as the front door banged open, splintering around the lock, and the police charged in.

Oh man, Shane whispered, that sucks. We just fixed that door.

Claire clung to him, terrified, as the police swarmed through the house.

Chapter Five

Shane wasnt talking to the cops. Not about his dad, and not about anything. He just sat like a lump, eyes down, and refused to answer any questions from the human patrol officers; Claire didnt know what to sayor, more importantly, what not toand stammered out a lot of I dont know and I was in my room sort of answers. Evemore self-possessed than Claire had ever seen herstepped in to say that shed heard the intruders downstairs breaking things, and shed pulled Claire into her room and locked the door for protection. It sounded good. Claire supported it with a lot of nodding.

Is that so? A new voice, from behind the cops, and they parted ranks to admit two strangers. Detectives, it looked like, in sport jackets and slacks. One was a woman, frost pale, with eyes like mirrors. The other one was a tall man with gray close-cropped hair.

They were wearing gold badges on their belts. So. Detectives.

Vampire detectives.

Eve had gone very still, hands folded in her lap. She looked carefully friendly. Yes, maam, she said. Thats what happened.

And you have no idea who these mysterious intruders might have been, said the male vamp. He lookedscary. Cold and hard and scary. Never saw them before.

We didnt see them at all, sir.

Because you werelocked in your room. He smiled, and flashed fang. Clear warning. I can smell fear. You give it off like the stench of your sweat. Delicious.

Claire fought back an urge to whimper. The human cops had backed up a step; one or two looked uncomfortable, but they werent about to interfere with whatever was about to happen. Whichwas nothing, right? There were rules and stuff. And they were the victims!

Then again, she didnt suppose the vamps cared all that much for victims.

Leave them alone, Shane said.

It speaks! the woman said, and laughed. She sank down into a crouch, elegant and perfectly balanced, and tried to peer into Shanes face. A knight-errant, defending the helpless. Charming. She had an old-world accent, sort of like blurred German. Do you not trust us, little knight? Are we not your friends?

That depends, Shane said, and looked right at her. You take your orders from Oliver, or the Founder? Because if you touch usany of usyou have to take it up with her. You know who I mean.

She lost her amused expression.

Her partner made a noise, halfway between a bark of laughter and a growl. Careful, Gretchen, he snaps. Just like a half-grown puppy. Boy, you dont know what youre saying. The Founders mark is on the house, yes, but I see no bands on your wrists. Dont be stupid and make bold claims you cant back up.

Bite me, Dracula, Shane snapped.

Gretchen laughed. A wolf pup, she said. Oh, I like him, Hans. May I have him, since hes a stray?

One of the uniformed cops cleared his throat. Maam? Sorry, but I cant allow that. You want to file the paperwork, Ill see what I can do, but

Gretchen made a frustrated noise and came back to her feet. Paperwork. Fah. In the old days we would have run him down like a deer for insolence.

In the old days, Gretchen, we were starving, Hans said. Remember? The winters in Bavaria? Let him howl. He shrugged and gave Eve and Claire a smile that looked a little less terrifying than before. Sorry. Gretchen gets carried away. Now, youre sure none of you knew these intruders? Morganvilles not that big a town. Were all pretty close-knit, especially the human community.

Strangers, Eve said. I think they might have been strangers. Maybe justpassing through.

Passing through, Hans repeated. We dont get a lot of casual visitors. Even biker gangs. He studied them each in turn, and while his eyes were on her Claire felt as if she were being x-rayed. Surely he couldnt really see her thoughts, right? Hans finished with his gaze on Shane, fixed and dark. Your name.

Shane, he said. Shane Collins.

You left Morganville with your family a few years ago, yes? What brought you back?

My friend Michael needed a roommate. Shanes eyes flickered, and Claire realized that hed just made a mistake. A big one.

Michael Glass. Ah, yes, the mysterious Michael. Never around when anyone comes calling during the day, but always present at night. Tell me, is Michael a vampire?

Wouldnt you know? Shane shot back. Last I heard, nobody had made a new vampire in fifty years or more.

True. Hans nodded. Yet its curious, isnt it? That your friend seems so hard to keep around?

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