A hand tried to go up her skirt as she pressed through the crowd. She yelped and jumped, moving faster. Somebody else swatted her on the ass.

Faster! she yelled at Eve, who had slowed down to get her bearings. God, I cant breathe in here!

This way!

Chapter Twenty-five

Claire felt filthynot just from getting groped, which continued to happen, but because she was sopping with other peoples sweat by the time Eve squirmed them through to a small clear space on the other side of the room, next to the stairs. It must have been the Wall-flower Corner; there were some shy-looking girls, all dressed in mock-Goth finery, grouped together for comfort and (Claire suspected) protection. She felt an instant sympathy for them. Great party! Eve screamed over the pounding beat of the music. Wish I could enjoy it!

Any sign of Sam?

No! Not in here! Lets try the other rooms!

After the chaos of the main dance room, the kitchen felt like a study hall, even though it was still filled with people talking too loud and gesturing too much. More punch-filled coolers in here, which was driving Claire crazy; she was thirsty, but no way was she adding being drunk to her problems just now. Too much was at stake.

Her ears were still ringing. At least, in here, there was room to breathe. Claire reflexively searched for her cell phone, remembered it getting crunched under the wheels of the white van,and cursed under her breath. What time is it? she asked Eve, who consulted her own black Razr (decorated, of course, with skulls).

Ten, she said. I know. We have to hurry.

Somebody grabbed Claire by the arm, and she recoiled in fright, but then she recognized him under the makeupIan, the guy whod told her about the party. The one whose name theyd used to get inside. Claire? he asked. Wow. You look great!


He looked less geeky now, more edgy, with spiked black hair and vampire-style makeup. Claire wondered uneasily how many actual vampires were infiltrating this party tonight. Not a pleasant thought. Ohhi, Ian! Eve was scanning the room, and as Claire glanced at her, Eve shook her head and mimed going to the next room. Claire begged her not to go, at least with her eyes, but the thick makeup probably disguised her desperation.

Im so glad you came! Ian said. He hardly had to raise his voice at all to be heard over the roar; he just had that kind of voice, and plus, it was a blessedly dull roar in here. Can I get you some punch?

Umdo you have anything thats not, you know?

Right, yeah. How about some water?

Water would be wonderful. Where the hell was Eve? Shed ducked behind two tall guys and now Claire couldnt see her, and she felt alone and very vulnerable just standing here in her fake Goth getup, and God, this makeup itched; how did Eve stand it? Claire wanted a shower, wanted to scrub her face clean, and wanted to put on plain jeans and a plain T-shirt and never be adventurous again.

Shane. Think about Shane. She felt an uncomfortable twist of guilt that shed ever let him slip out of her thoughts, even for a minute.

Ian came back with a bottle of water, the top already off. Here you go, he said, and handed it over. He was drinking water, too, not the punch stuff. Crazy, huh?

Crazy, she agreed. In a town full of vampires, this was just about the craziest idea she could imagine, putting a bunch of drunk, horny college kids in a place where vampires could blend right in. Did you see where my friend went?

Girls, Ian sighed. Always travel in packs. Yeah, she went into the library. Come on.

Claire gulped water as she followed him, stepping carefully over the legs of several people whod decided the kitchen floor looked like a good place to sit down for a chat. And oh God, what was that couple in the corner doing? She blushed under the makeup and looked quickly away, focusing on the back of Ians neck. Hed missed a spot on the makeup. It looked pink.

The next room had people, too, but not quite as many as the kitchen and it was practically deserted compared to the dance room. Library was a generous word. It had books, but not as many as Claire would have thought, and most of them were old textbooks. Some were being defaced by people wielding black markers and pens, giggling with one another over the results.

No sign of Eve.

Huh, Ian said. Hang on. He went to ask a question of another guy, taller, dressed in a silky-looking black shirt open halfway down to reveal a strong, muscular chest. It took a while. Claire swigged more water, grateful for the moisture because even the library was steaming hot, and almost wiped at her face before she remembered the careful makeup job.

There was no sign of Sam in this room, either. While Ian was talking, Claire went over to one of the girls defacing books. She looked vaguely familiarmaybe somebody from chemistry? Anna something?

HiAnna? It must have been right; the girl looked up. Have you seen Sam? Red hairmaybe wearing a brown leather jacket? Although he had to have taken it off, in this heat. Blue eyes?

Oh, sure. Sam. Hes upstairs somewhere. Anna went back to her book sabotage, which seemed to involve drawing devils and pitchforks. Upstairs. Claire needed to get upstairs, but most importantly, she needed to find Eve. Fast.

Ian came back. She went upstairs, he said. Shes looking for a guy named Sam, right?

Yeah, Claire said. Would you mind if?

No, sure, Ill go with you. He looked at the drained bottle in Claires hand. Want some more?

She nodded. He grabbed a bottle from an ice-filled cooler and handed it over. She cracked the seal and took another life-giving mouthful as Ian led the way to the stairs.

The heat was making her feel slow and disconnected. She wanted to pour the cold water over her face, but realized just in timeagainabout the makeup. Stupid makeup.

The stairs seemed to go on forever, and it was like dancing around land mines; people were sitting on just about every step, some talking, some mumbling to themselves, some passing joints back and forth. Oh man. She really needed to get out of here, fast.

The upstairs landing seemed like a paradise of open space, and Claire clung to the handrail and breathed for a few seconds. Ian came back to get her. You okay? he asked. She nodded. I dont know which room hes in. Well just have to look.

She followed him. He swung open the first door on the hall, and behind him she saw about ten people talking very intensely. They all looked at Ian with a definite Get out vibe, and as he shut the door, Claire realized that all ten of them were vampires.

Not Sam, though, but given what Sam had told her, and what shed heard from Michael and Eve, that made sense. Hed be hanging around the humans, right? The vampires didnt want any part of him.

Wrong room, Ian said unnecessarily, and moved to the next one. She couldnt see over his shoulder, but he closed it in a hurry. Really wrong room. Sorry.

There were about ten doors on the hallway, but they didnt get that far. Claire was feeling kind of light-headedin fact, she was dizzy. Maybe it was the heat. She took another gulp from the bottle, but that just seemed to make her feel nauseous. As Ian opened the fourth door, she said, I dont feel so good.

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