Yeah, Eve agreed. I know. But by we, you mean me and Claire, right? Because youre of no damn use at all.

She might as well have punched him again, Claire thought; Michaels mouth dropped open, and she saw the agony in his eyes. Eve must not have seen it. She turned and clomped away, brisk and efficient.

Claire! she called back. Come on! Move it!

Claire looked miserably at Michael. Im sorry, she said. She didnt mean that.

No, she did, he said faintly. And shes right. Im no use to you. Or to Shane. What good am I? I might as well be dead.

He turned and slammed his hand into the wall, hard enough to break bones. Claire yelped, scrambled backward, and ran after Eve. When Michael went all avenging-angel, well, it was definitely scary. And he didnt look like he wanted witnesses to whatever was happening inside.

Eve was already going up the stairs. Wait! Claire said. Michaelshouldnt we?

Forget about Michael. Are you in or out?

In. She guessed. Claire cast another look back at the hallway, where the sound of flesh hitting wood continued, and winced.

Michael couldnt hurt himself, not permanently, but it sounded painful.

Probably not as painful as what he was feeling.


When Claire reached the doorway, Eve was yanking open drawers, pulling out frilly stuff, and throwing it aside. Black lace. Netting. Fishnet hose. Ah! she said, and brought out a big, black box. It must have been heavy. It made a hollow thunk as she slammed it down on top of the dresser, rattling her collection of Evil Bobbleheads, which all started nodding uneasily. Come here.

Claire went, worried; this was a brand-new Eve, one she wasnt sure she liked. She liked the vulnerable Eve, the one who cried at the drop of a hat. This one was harsh and hard and liked to order people around.

Hold out your hand, Eve said. Claire did, tentatively. Eve slapped something round and wooden into it.

Pointed on one end.

A home made stake.

Vampire killers best friend, Eve said. I made a bunch when Brandon was bothering me. I let him know, the next time he came sniffing around me he was going to get a woody. A real one.

Arent theseillegal?

Theyll get you thrown under the jail. Or killed and dumped in some empty lot somewhere. So dont get caught holding.

She pulled out more stakes, and set them on the top of the dresser. Then some crude homemade crosses, extra large. She passed one to Claire, who gripped it in numbed fingers. ButEve, what are we doing?

Saving Shane. What, you dont want to?

Of course I do! But

Look. Eve pulled out some more stuff and dumped it on the pile of stakeslighter fluid, a Zippo lighter. The time for playing nice is over. If we want to get Shane out of there, vampires have to die. That means we start a war nobody wants, but tough. Im not watching Shane burn. I wont do that. They want this. Oliver wants it. Fine, he can have it. He can choke on it.

Eve! Claire dropped the cross and stake, grabbed her shoulders, and shook her. You cant! You know its suicideyouve told me that before! You cant justkill vampires! Youll end up in a cage right next to

Oh, God. She hadnt seen it before, but now she knew what was different about Eve. What was missing in her eyes.

You want to die, Claire said slowly. Dont you?

Im not afraid of it, Eve said. No big deal, right? Tra-la, off to paradise just like my parents always told me, pearly gates and all that. Besides, nobodys going to help us, Claire. We have to stick together. We have to help ourselves.

What if I find some evidence? Claire asked. Detective Hess said

Detective Hess stood there and did nothing. Thats what theyre all going to do. Nothing. Just like Michael.

God, Eve, stop it! Thats not fair. Michael cant leave the house! You know that!

Yeah. Not much help, is it? Eve began stuffing her arsenal of vampire-killing equipment into a black gym bag. Its time for a little payback around here. There are other people whore tired of sucking up to the vamps. Maybe I can find them if youre going to punk out on me. I need people I can rely on.


With me or out of the way.

Claire retreated to the doorway, and bumped into a warm body. She yelped and lunged forward, turning to face


His face was like a chalky mask, and his eyes were big and wounded and angry. He took Claires hand and pulled her through the doorway, out into the hall.

Then he took hold of the doorknob, and looked at Eve. Youre not going anywhere, he said. Not while I can stop you.

He slammed the door and locked it with an old-fashioned key. Seconds later, Eve hit the other side with a bang and began rattling the knob. Hey! she screamed. Open it! Right now!

No, Michael said. Im sorry, Eve. I love you. Im not letting you do this.

She screamed and battered harder. You love me? You ass**le! Let me go!

Can you really keep her in there? Claire asked anxiously.

I can for tonight, Michael said, his eyes fixed on the door as it vibrated under the force of her kicks and blows. The windows wont open, or the doors. Shes stuck. But when the sun comes up He turned to look at Claire. You said if you could find evidence, Detective Hess would step in for Shane?

Thats what he said.

Its not enough. We need Amelie on his side. And Oliver.

Olivers the one who put him in the cage! And Amelieshe walked away. I dont think we can get anything from her, Michael.

Try, he said. Go. You have to.

Claire blinked. You meango out there? At night?

Michael looked exhausted suddenly. And very young. I cant do it. I cant trust Eve enough to let her out of her room, much less go out and talk to some of the most powerful vampires in town. Call Detective Hess, or Lowe. Dont go alonebut Claire, I need you to do this. I need you to make it right. I cant

It was written all over his face, the things he couldnt do. The limits hed crashed into with so much force it had left him broken and bleeding in the wreckage.

I know, Claire said. Ill try.

It was dark, it was Morganville, and she was sixteen years old. Not the best idea ever, going out of the house again, but Claire put on her darkest pair of jeans, a black shirt, and a big, gaudy cross that Eve had given her. She felt queasy at the idea of stakes. Doubly queasy at the idea of actually stabbing somebody with one.

I still have Protection, Amelie said so.

She hoped that would actually mean something.

Claire called Detective Hesss number from the card Eve had left pinned to the board in the kitchen. He answered on the second ring, sounded tired and depressed.

I need a ride, Claire said. If youre willing. I need to talk to Amelie.

Even I dont know how to get to Amelie, Hess said. Best-kept secret in Morganville. Im sorry, kid, but

I know how to get to her, she said. I just dont want to walk. Giventhe time.

There was a second of silence, and then the sound of a pen scratching against paper. You shouldnt be out at all, Hess said.

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