Door knocks; who's there, Karen asked

Its me; may i come in? Albert replied.

KAREN: yup sure!

ALBERT: Karen! You are talking me normal, gladly but can you please tell me that where are you taking me to? Would i drive the car? And why are u taking me with you?

KAREN: oh! Please be relaxed' ..... You'd drive and i shall tell u adress but whats the reason for i want u to accompany me, i too don't know.

ALBERT: oh' just leave it...

This was the entire conversation in between them both.

Albert was very excited for the normal behaviour of Karen. He is thinking that Karen has now come very affable with him but he literally don't know... That john has called him and he will surely do something wrong to hurt Albert.

Whats john gonna do with Karen and Albert its totally untold.

By the way! Its 8'o clock. Karen is ready to go. Karen reminds Albert and now they both are ready to go. Karen tells him the adress where he should drive to.


When Karen's mom asks about where she ia going to! She after thinking says like its her friend's birthday so Albert is also accompaning her.

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