Karen was about to ambit in next session of sophomore and she was literally very anxious to be ambitted. Karen didn't know that the life ahead is bringing alot of circumstances and news for her. She is just in herself.

Karen didn't like to go to school since everything has ended up in between.

Karen's family was quite strick but not on dressing or outlooks but like karen was not allowed to have a personal mobile and texting and linking from social apps to anyone. Karen had just decided always to be single however if anybody loves her.

Karen was these days very decorous amd audicious in school but positively. None could replace her. She laughed alot and cried alot. She was multitalented. Seldom she felt diffident and oversensitive.

The life of karen was gonna change again, she wasn't aware of whats gonna happen with her ahead. The twists were going to enter in her life and will change her life, she was unawared of that literally

It was almost the midnight of the sunday, karen was pensive because that night 1 year had been passed since her class met ambition to sophomore. karen was a diffident girl who was losing the mighty courages and going despondent and doleful. Next day, she had to go school albeit she didn't want _She was almost about 14+, and was young albeit she had been suffering with lonesome phases of her life. She had her friends namely Georgina and Aliena, who too were 14 to 15 and were her group mate_

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