''Please Albert! U know my amour so please respect it and let yourself to be respected in my eyes and soul. Be human!''

Albert replies;

''You know that you have smashed up my heart that somehow I wanna die for you but you are stubbourn. Karen! and u are abondoning and underestimating my love, just don't forget. Its unfair with me.... And i will try my efforts however even if its strenuous for me to gain u''.

Karen after saying ''shut your stupid mouth ediot'', ended up the call . Karen was actually tackling all this series positively and lightly whereas the situation was demanding a tension from Karen to be tensed. Karen was all the way very relaxed but something pinning her nerves out was that ''ALBERT'' ,if he just unluckily came in between my love life, John's and mine love amour or God borbids' if he ever tried to spoil up the relations in between, the entire life of her was going to seem as negative but she was going well and she thought that it was not that much simple and easy for Albert to aggravate and spoil our relation as he was only a young lad, nothing more. Albert was just stupid and plug-ugly, she exclaimed!

Her mom knocked the room and stepped inside. Karen just took coffee and dinner this latenight and asked her mom to be relaxed for her, she was fine. ''Kindly' turn off the lights, i am worn out Mom.... I am just off now and i am sleepy. I shall talk u mom later as you know how much burdened and opressed i'm for now and hereafter. I will be fine after falling sleep,Good night ... Take care and have good health mom bubye''.

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