oh! Hello... Karen replied hesitatingly and then settled.

How're you doing? Sarah asked

I'm doing well.... Karen replied

I hope, you must remember. its Sarah here; Srah reminded

''Obviously'', how can I forget...! Karen replied

yeah! ''So how's everything in your life?'' Sarah enquired

''Everything okay''; Karen answered

''I mean, your relation with John... How's it going?'' Sarah asked straight

''Its interesting as was ever before and even more interesting, its seeming to be in future, I guess'' Karen replied (in a confident manner)

''Cool, You're quite confident about your relation... I wish,this kind of confidence must be ornamented in every relation'' Sarah ejaculated


''Yeah, but I'm not confident about relation only but I'm actually over-confident about John here. This confidence must be telling you guaranty of my relation'' ; Karen protested

''Hm! If you only permit me, may I ask something?; Sarah asked

''Sure, Ask''; Karen permitted

''Have you ever thought of any girl in John's life?'' Sarah asked

''mmm.... Yeah! I considered and If you want to know her name, I can tell you.. Karen told

''W..why not..Sarah exclaimed. (in an excitement)

''The girl, I have ever considered in his life is quite loving, caring and pretty as well. He too likes her and loves her alot, I doubt'' Karen told

''Come on! Tell her name''; Sarah ejaculated

''Its one and only, ''KAREN''... Its me'' Karen smiled at her

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