''Hey John''; Karen ululated

'''Hellow, what have you been doing, Karen?''; He enquired

''Nothing interesting but I was only waiting for you''; She replied

''I'm finally here''; He answered

''So how's the first day here?'' Karen asked

''Its quite hectic, nice and somewhat interesting with you.... and yours?'' ;John asked

''Mine's fantastic... and as far as I know, later, time will come more better'' Karen assured

''Hopefully'' He replied

''Karen, Kindly, let me go.... I have alot of work as I have my friend, who is injured and yeah, he's my best friend.... I have you inquire after him.. My darl, can I leave?'' He asked softly

''Yeah! your best friend, ''Wilson''... You must go after him, why not; She permitted


''Thanks, proud of you''; He thanked

Just when he left away, Karen and some other girls asked the guider to Show the way of University and they meant actually to look the chambers of University from inside.

''Yes Ma'm''; Guider (Marquis) answered.

They went on to see the entire view.

****************UNIVERSITY'S VIEW****************************

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