Karen's family had been too busy in Packing the bags and clearing up the acessories. They were also busy in making some shots according to the trend of making pictures on the last day as amemory. Albert and Karen were however talking to eachother but this time, Albert was not showing any indifference in his way off talking or any doubt in his manner of behaving. He was talking her like cousins only. The pictures were made shortly withing the jiffy of some minutes and Karen and Albert too made some pair pictures but before they attempted fot taking pictures, Karen asked for apermission to John that if she could Make some snaps with Albert and yea, John conceded the fact about Abert's good behaviour. So, not only about Albert andc Karen but all the cousins were supposed to make pictures and they all did do, made group photos, Duo, Trio and pair pictures

After a span of some minutes,Karen called John and he recieved promptly.

KAREN: Hello John

JOHN: hey Karen, how're you doing? where have you been?

KAREN: i'm doing well and i was just busy all day in making preparation of going back home. Well, where have you been?

JOHN: My girl, same were the cases with me. I was busy in taking some pallaroids and pictures with cousins amd rest of the time before was obviously gotten by preparations of going back.

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