Sarah and John were incessently talking to eachother, suddenly Robert came and acted like an angry man. John didn't noticed but Sarah did and said nothing about that. She was consistently making Robert Jealous and for this, she was continuously chattering with John. why's he doing so, asked Robert to worn Sarah and now himself, he was clinging to her.???

Intervally. John questioned Robert about something and Robert began to react and asked about why was he playing this game with him.....! They both began to exchange their hot words. Sarah gave it up and left thec room while they both kept on quarelling. John was admitting his mistakes but Robert was reacting antagonistic obviously. Sarah came during the quarrel, favoured John but John this time, didn't respond her. She felt this fact. When Robert observed the scene, he took the advantage of this commotion, he came on Sarah and they both started to quarrel now. Robert was frequent as usual.

Intervally, John's phone began to ring and he went closer to the phone. He picked up the phone, it was Karen on call!

KAREN(silently); Hello!

JOHN(apprehensively); Hello my girl.... how're you doin'.....?

KAREN; mm.... great! you?

JOHN( compos mentis); same here but why're you so general on call? i mean, you're talking like a commom man. I'm your lover Girl!!

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