Karen told he is one and only her life ''John'' and only ''john''. I trust him alot and i know he will marry me too.

Albert asks; ''if yours or his family just refuses him for u or you for him then, what will u do?

Karen tells; ''i love him alot so i know as he is smart like me, my family not gonna reject him and if the situations spins at his family! I know he can't only obey his family. He will always love me. However, now as a girlfriend and the hereafter, as a wife. The world will awestruck and abide our couple always. Our lovestory will be the next one. You'll see. Yeah! And he will marry me and if not, so i will ''kill myself'' . I can't hate him but i shall be angry at him

His memories has taken my heart and legs. My heart thinks him and legs enable feet to have a journey only with him. I can't accept anyother man for me else him''.

(its ringing phone of karen)

Oh excuse me Albert its John on call!

''Hello sweatheart! Where are uh! And all bla bla''....was going in between john and karen

Seeing all that, Albert got jealous and was trying to break them up! A good news was that ''suzella'' who was Karen's sister, she was got comitted as Yamina had founded her nephew to be Suzella's life partner but for the time being,they are only comitted and after all, will be engaged. Karen was literaly very afraid that karen's turn is here only after suzella to be comitted soon with any tip-top boy and she was litterally very afraid if her mother would chose karen's partner herself. Karen had actually already a boyfriend who was love of her life and all she wanted John to be her lifepartner.

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