KAREN:: aw' okay ! Bubye love you more. Take care

JOHN: sure my Karen! Now go for a sleep unless it takes much of your harmful health.

KAREN: okay! Now'

Wow! The entire discussion ends at this. Intervally, John and Karen had much more gossips which are just removed which are generally in all the lovers of Romance and Bromance.

Now, everyone goes to sleep and Karen was already heavy-eyed, goes to sleep after washing er face.

Everyone or rest of the cousins are little tensed about Albert's behaviour of leaving Bbq with cousins tonight. Whats gonna happen, the time gonna elaborate.

Wow! The night's looking so interesting, seeming the blithe has some with the waves and cascade of sea. The waves are sounding high but mellifluously. Lovely night has come along its beauty. Who knows, the morrow's morning gonna bring what. What's Albert sharing with his Mom, what's going to be done by her mom...Ah! But everything is pisitive. Nothing gonna done but surely, Albert's Mom and himself gonna try for proceeding the love Of Albert and gonna make Karen up to love him too. Lol' if Karen was a fake lover of John, she would have been left Him but she truly loves John alot and won't be trapped out.

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