Now, Karen, Flavia and Stephen live in a single room. Albert, Autumn and Peter are living. Julie, Jack, and Remon are dwelling in the same room. And all other cousins are distributed accordingly.

Now, its about A beautiful Aurora outside the window. They all know, they can't have enough of the rejoicing fun this time so they will surely spend this time, staying in the rooms, they have occupied. They all cousins are glee and gay inside out. They all set their clothes and garms inside the spacious wardrobes and divide the phases of Wardrobe among them. They are just setting all the accessories of Bathroom and Washroom inside and aesthetics are just set on the dressing table. The leptops are brought by a few cousins and these are now set on the tables. Air coolers are on as its begining and its somewhat warm inside the room.

All cousins are in the room. None is coming and greeting and meeting rather all are taking some rest, lying straight and mingling on the bed. Its finally night. A heavy gale is flattering their hearts. Windows are opened to rejoice and overwhelm in the beauty of the massive Wind. They turn off the Air coolers because they all are acquivering in an excited abnormal way. Haw!!!!!

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