"And let us make the most of that," said Ermine, quickly.

Meanwhile Alison, sore and sick at heart, wandered on the esplanade,

foreboding that the blow was coming that she ought to rejoice at, if her

love could only be more unselfish. At last the Colonel joined her, and,

as usual, his tone of consideration cheered and supported her when in

actual conference with him, and as he explained his plans, he added that

he hoped there would be scarcely any interruption to her intercourse

with her sister.

"You know," she said abruptly, "that we could go to Ekaterinburg."

"And what is your feeling about it? Remember, Ailie, that I am your


brother too." And as she hesitated, "your feelings--no doubt you are in

many minds!"

"Ah, yes; I never settled anything without Ermine, and she will not help

me now. And she has been so worn with the excitement and anxiety of all

this long detention of yours, that I don't dare to say a word that could

prey on her."

"In fact, you would chiefly be decided by Edward's own wishes."

"If I were sure of them," sighed poor Alison; "but he lives on

experiments, and can hardly detach himself from them even to attend

to Ermine herself. I don't know whether we should be a comfort or a

burthen, and he would be afraid to hurt our feelings by telling the

truth. I have been longing to consult you who have seen him at that

place in Russia."

"And indeed, Ailie, he is so wedded to smoke and calculations, and so

averse to this sublunary world, that though your being with him might be

beneficial, still I greatly question whether the risk of carrying poor

little Rose to so remote a place in such a climate, would be desirable.

If he were pining to have a home made for him, it would be worth doing;

as it is, the sacrifice would be disproportioned."

"It would be no sacrifice if he only wanted us."

"Where you are wanted is here. Ermine wants you. I want you. The Temples

want you."

"Now, Colin, tell me truly. Edward feels as I do, and Dr. Long spoke

seriously of it. Will not my present position do you and Ermine harm

among your friends?"

"With no friend we wish to make or keep!"

"If I do remain," continued Alison, "it must be as I am. I would not

live upon you, even if you asked me, which you have too much sense to

do; and though dear Lady Temple is everything to me, and wants me to

forget that I am her governess, that would be a mere shuffle, but if it

is best for you that I should give it up, and go out, say so at once."

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