"Une femme egoiste, non seulement de coeur, mais d'esprit, ne pent

pas sortir d'elle-meme. Le moi est indelible chez elle. Une veritable

egoiste ne sait meme pas etre fausse."


"I am come to prepare you," said Lady Keith, putting her arm into her

brother's, and leading him into the peacock path. "Mrs. Huntsford is on

her way to call and make a dead set to get you all to a garden party."

"Then we are off to the Earlsworthy Woods."

"Nay, listen, Alick. I have let you alone and defended you for a whole

month, but if you persist in shutting up you wife, people won't stand



"Which of us is the Mahometan?"

"You are pitied! But you see it was a strong thing our appearing without

our several incumbrances, and though an old married woman like me may

do as she pleases, yet for a bridegroom of not three weeks' standing to

resort to bazaars solus argues some weighty cause."

"And argues rightly."

"Then you are content to be supposed to have an unproduceably eccentric

melancholy bride?"

"Better they should think so than that she should be so. She has been

victimized enough already to her mother's desire to save appearances."

"You do not half believe me, Alick, and this is really a very kind,

thoughtful arrangement of Mrs. Huntsford's. She consulted me, saying

there were such odd stories about you two that she was most anxious

that Rachel should appear and confute them; and she thought that an

out-of-door party like this would suit best, because it would be early,

and Rachel could get away if she found it too much for her."

"After being walked out to satisfy a curious neighbourhood."

"Now Alick, do consider it. This sort of thing could remind her of

nothing painful; Uncle George would enjoy it."

"And fall over the croquet traps."

"No; if you wanted to attend to him, I could take care of Rachel."

"I cannot tell, Bessie, I believe it is pure goodnature on Mrs.

Huntsford's part, but if we go, it must be from Rachel's spontaneous

movement. I will not press her on any account. I had rather the world

said she was crazy at once than expose her to the risk of one of the

dreadful nights that haunted us till we came here to perfect quiet."

"But she is well now. She looks better and nicer than I ever saw her.

Really, Alick, now her face is softer, and her eyes more veiled, and her

chin not cocked up, I am quite proud of her. Every one will be struck

with her good looks."

"Flattery, Bessie," he said, not ill pleased. "Yes, she is much better,

and more like herself; but I dread all this being overthrown. If she

herself wishes to go, it may be a good beginning, but she must not be


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