"Alas, he thought, how changed that mien,

How changed those timid looks have been,

Since years of guilt and of disguise

Have steeled her brow and armed her eyes."


"Are you sleepy, Rose? What a yawn!"

"Not sleepy, Aunt Ailie; only it is such a tiresome long day when the

Colonel does not come in."

"Take care, Rosie; I don't know what we shall be good for at this rate."

"We? O Aunt Ermine, then you think it tiresome too. I know you do--"


"What's that, Rose!"

"It is! it is! I'll open the door for him."

The next moment Rose led her Colonel in triumph into the lamp-light.

There was a bright light in his eye, and yet he looked pale, grave, and

worn; and Ermine's first observation was-"How came Tibbie to let you out at this time of night?"

"I have not ventured to encounter Tibbie at all. I drove up to your


"You have been at St. Norbert's all this time," exclaimed Alison.

"Do you think no one can carry on a campaign at St. Norbert's but

yourself and your generalissima, Miss Ailie?" he said, stroking down

Rose's brown hair.

"Then, if you have not gone home, you have had nothing to eat, and that

is the reason you look so tired," said Ermine.

"Yes; I had some luncheon at the Abbey."

"Then, at any rate, you shall have some tea. Rosie, run and fetch the

little kettle."

"And the Beauchamp cup and saucer," added Rose, proudly producing the

single relic of a well-remembered set of olden times. "And please,

please, Aunt Ermine, let me sit up to make it for him. I have not seen

him all day, you know; and it is the first time he ever drank tea in our

house, except make-believe with Violetta and Colinette."

"No, Rose. Your aunt says I spoil that child, and I am going to have my

revenge upon you. You must see the wild beast at his meals another time;

for it just happens that I have a good deal to say to your aunts, and it

is not intended for your ears."

Rose showed no signs of being spoilt, for she only entreated to be

allowed "just to put the tea-things in order," and then, winking very

hard, she said she would go.

"Here, Rose, if you please," said Ermine, clearing the space of table

before her.

"Why, Aunt Ermine, I did not know you could make tea!"

"There are such things as extraordinary occasions, Rose. Now, good

night, my sweet one."

"Good night, my Lady Discretion. We will make up for it one of these

days. Don't stay away, pray, Ailie," as Alison was following the child.

"I have nothing to say till you come back."

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