Julia, left alone, and locked in the room, passed such a night as a girl

instructed in the world's ways might have been expected to pass in her

position, and after the rough treatment of the afternoon. The room grew

dark, the dismal garden and weedy pool that closed the prospect faded

from sight; and still as she crouched by the barred window, or listened

breathless at the door, all that part of the house lay silent. Not a

sound of life came to the ear.

By turns she resented and welcomed this. At one time, pacing the floor

in a fit of rage and indignation, she was ready to dash herself against

the door, or scream and scream and scream until some one came to her. At


another the recollection of Pomeroy's sneering smile, of his insolent

grasp, revived to chill and terrify her; and she hid in the darkest

corner, hugged the solitude, and, scarcely daring to breathe, prayed

that the silence might endure for ever.

But the hours in the dark room were long and cold; and at times the

fever of rage and fear left her in the chill. Of this came another phase

through which she passed, as the night wore on and nothing happened. Her

thoughts reverted to him who should have been her protector, but had

become her betrayer--and by his treachery had plunged her into this

misery; and on a sudden a doubt of his guilt flashed into her mind and

blinded her by its brilliance. Had she done him an injustice? Had the

abduction been, after all, concerted not by him but by Mr. Thomasson and

his confederates? The setting down near Pomeroy's gate, the reception at

his house, the rough, hasty suit paid to her--were these all parts of a

drama cunningly arranged to mystify her? And was he innocent? Was he

still her lover, true, faithful, almost her husband?

If she could think so! She rose, and softly walked the floor in the

darkness, tears raining down her face. Oh, if she could be sure of it!

At the thought, the thought only, she glowed from head to foot with

happy shame. And fear? If this were so, if his love were still hers, and

hers the only fault--of doubting him, she feared nothing! Nothing! She

felt her way to a tray in the corner where her last meal remained

untasted, and ate and drank humbly, and for him. She might need

her strength.

She had finished, and was groping her return to the window-seat, when a

faint rustle as of some one moving on the other side of the door caught

her ear. She had fancied herself brave enough an instant before, but in

the darkness a great horror of fear came on her. She stood rooted to the

spot; and heard the noise again. It was followed by the sound of a hand

passed stealthily over the panels; a hand seeking, as she thought, for

the key; and she could have shrieked in her helplessness. But while she

stood, her face turned to stone, came instant relief, A voice, subdued

in fear, whispered, 'Hist, ma'am, hist! Are you asleep?' She could have fallen on her knees in her thankfulness. 'No! no!' she

cried eagerly. 'Who is it?' 'It is me--Olney!' was the answer. 'Keep a heart, ma'am! They are gone

to bed. You are quite safe.' 'Can you let me out?' Julia cried. 'Oh, let me out!' 'Let you out?' 'Yes, yes! Let me out? Please let me out.' 'God forbid, ma'am!' was the horrified answer. 'He'd kill me. And he has

the key. But--' 'Yes? yes?' 'Keep your heart up, ma'am, for Jarvey'll not see you hurt; nor will I.

You may sleep easy. And good-night!' She stole away before Julia could answer; but she left comfort. In a

glow of thankfulness the girl pushed a chair against the door, and,

wrapping herself for warmth in the folds of the shabby curtains, lay

down on the window seat. She was willing to sleep now, but the agitation

of her thoughts, the whirl of fear and hope that prevailed in them, as

she went again and again over the old ground, kept her long awake. The

moon had risen and run its course, decking the old garden with a solemn

beauty as of death, and was beginning to retreat before the dawn, when

Julia slept at last.

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