Sir George awoke next morning, and, after a few lazy moments of

semi-consciousness, remembered what was before him, it is not to be

denied that he felt a chill. He lay awhile, thinking of the past and the

future--or the no future--in a way he seldom thought, and with a

seriousness for which the life he had hitherto led had left him little

time and less inclination.

But he was young; he had a digestion as yet unimpaired, and nerves still

strong; and when he emerged an hour later and, more soberly dressed than

was his wont, proceeded down the High Street towards the Cherwell

Bridge, his spirits were at their normal level. The spring sunshine


which gilded the pinnacles of Magdalen tower, and shone cool and

pleasant on a score of hoary fronts, wrought gaily on him also.

The milksellers and such early folk were abroad, and filled the street with

their cries; he sniffed the fresh air, and smiled at the good humour and

morning faces that everywhere greeted him; and d----d White's anew, and

vowed to live cleanly henceforth, and forswear Pam. In a word, the man

was of such a courage that in his good resolutions he forgot his errand,

and whence they arose; and it was with a start that, as he approached

the gate leading to the college meadows, he marked a chair in waiting,

and beside it Mr. Peter Fishwick, from whom he had parted at the Mitre

ten minutes before.

Soane did not know whether the attorney had preceded him or followed

him: the intrusion was the same, and flushed with annoyance, he strode

to him to mark his sense of it. But Peter, being addressed, wore his

sharpest business air, and was entirely unconscious of offence. 'I have

merely purveyed a surgeon,' he said, indicating a young man who stood

beside him. 'I could not learn that you had provided one, sir.'

'Oh!' Sir George answered, somewhat taken aback, 'this is the

gentleman.' 'Yes, sir.' Soane was in the act of saluting the stranger, when a party of two or

three persons came up behind, and had much ado not to jostle them in the

gateway. It consisted of Mr. Dunborough, Lord Almeric, and two other

gentlemen; one of these, an elderly man, who wore black and hair-powder,

and carried a gold-topped cane, had a smug and well-pleased expression,

that indicated his stake in the meeting to be purely altruistic. The two

companies exchanged salutes.

On this followed a little struggle to give precedence at the gate, but

eventually all went through. 'If we turn to the right,' some one

observed, 'there is a convenient place. No, this way, my lord.'

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