Lord Almeric continued to vapour and romance as he mounted the stairs.

Mr. Pomeroy attended, sneering, at his heels. The tutor followed, and

longed to separate them. He had his fears for the one and of the other,

and was relieved when his lordship at the last moment hung back, and

with a foolish chuckle proposed a plan that did more honour to his

vanity than his taste.

'Hist!' he whispered. 'Do you two stop outside a minute, and you'll hear

how kind she'll be to me! I'll leave the door ajar, and then in a minute

do you come in and roast her! Lord, 'twill be as good as a play!' Mr. Pomeroy shrugged his shoulders. 'As you please,' he growled. 'But I

have known a man go to shear and be shorn!' Lord Almeric smiled loftily, and waiting for no more, winked to them,


turned the handle of the door, and simpered in.

Had Mr. Thomasson entered with him, the tutor would have seen at a

glance that he had wasted his fears; and that whatever trouble

threatened brooded in a different quarter. The girl, her face a blaze of

excitement and shame and eagerness, stood in the recess of the farther

window seat, as far from the door as she could go; her attitude the

attitude of one driven into a corner. And from that alone her lover

should have taken warning. But Lord Almeric saw nothing, feared nothing.

Crying 'Most lovely Julia!' he tripped forward to embrace her, and, the

wine emboldening him, was about to clasp her in his arms, when she

checked him by a gesture unmistakable even by a man in his

flustered state.

'My lord,' she said hurriedly, yet in a tone of pleading--and her head

hung a little, and her cheeks began to flame. 'I ask your forgiveness

for having sent for you. Alas, I have also to ask your forgiveness for a

more serious fault. One--one which you may find it less easy to pardon,'

she added, her courage failing.

'Try me!' the little beau answered with ardour; and he struck an

attitude. 'What would I not forgive to the loveliest of her sex?' And

under cover of his words he made a second attempt to come within

reach of her.

She waved him back. 'No!' she said. 'You do not understand me.' 'Understand?' he cried effusively. 'I understand enough to--but why, my

Chloe, these alarms, this bashfulness? Sure,' he spouted, 'How can I see you, and not love,

While you as Opening East are fair?

While cold as Northern Blasts you prove,

How can I love and not despair?' And then, in wonder at his own readiness, 'S'help me! that's uncommon

clever of me,' he said. 'But when a man is in love with the most

beautiful of her sex--' 'My lord!' she cried, stamping the floor in her impatience. 'I have

something serious to say to you. Must I ask you to return to me at

another time? Or will you be good enough to listen to me now?' 'Sho, if you wish it, child,' he said lightly, taking out his snuff-box.

'And to be sure there is time enough. But between us two, sweet--' 'There is nothing between us!' she cried, impetuously snatching at the

word. 'That is what I wanted to tell you. I made a mistake when I said

that there should be. I was mad; I was wicked, if you like. Do you hear

me, my lord?' she continued passionately. 'It was a mistake. I did not

know what I was doing. And, now I do understand, I take it back.' Lord Almeric gasped. He heard the words, but the meaning seemed

incredible, inconceivable; the misfortune, if he heard aright, was too

terrible; the humiliation too overwhelming! He had brought

listeners--and for this! 'Understand?' he cried, looking at her in a

confused, chap-fallen way. 'Hang me if I do understand! You don't mean

to say--Oh, it is impossible, stuff me! it is. You don't mean that--that

you'll not have me? After all that has come and gone, ma'am?' She shook her head; pitying him, blaming herself, for the plight in

which she had placed him. 'I sent for you, my lord,' she said humbly,

'that I might tell you at once. I could not rest until I had told you. I

did what I could. And, believe me, I am very, very sorry.' 'But do you mean--that you--you jilt me?' he cried, still fighting off

the dreadful truth.

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