Mr. Fishwick, who had stepped forward with a vague notion of detaining

him, fell back. Sir George's stern aspect, which bore witness to the

passions that raged in a heart at that moment cruelly divided, did not

encourage interference; and though one or two muttered, no one moved.

There is little doubt that he would have passed out without delay,

mounted, and gone in pursuit--with what result in the direction of

altering the issue, it is impossible to state--if an obstacle had not

been cast in his way by an unexpected hand.

In every crowd, the old proverb has it, there are a knave and a fool.

Between Sir George bursting with passion, and the door by which he had


entered and to which he turned, stood Lady Dunborough. Her ladyship had

been one of the first to hear the news and to take the alarm; it is safe

to say, also, that for obvious reasons--and setting aside the lawyer and

Sir George--she was of all present the person most powerfully affected

by the news of the outrage.

But she had succeeded in concealing alike

her fears and her interest; she had exclaimed with others--neither more

nor less; and had hinted, in common with three-fourths of the ladies

present, that the minx's cries were forced, and her bonne fortune

sufficiently to her mind. In a word she had comported herself so fitly

that if there was one person in the hall whose opinion was likely to

carry weight, as being coolly and impartially formed, it was

her ladyship.

When she stepped forward therefore, and threw herself between Sir George

and the door--still more when, with an intrepid gesture, she cried

'Stay, sir; we have not done with you yet,' there was a sensation. As

the crowd pressed up to see and hear what passed, her accusing finger

pointed steadily to Sir George's breast. 'What is that you have there?'

she continued. 'That which peeps from your breast pocket, sir?' Sir George, who, furious as he was, could go no farther without coming

in contact with her ladyship, smothered an oath. 'Madam,' he said,

'let me pass.' 'Not until you explain how you came by that fan,' she answered sturdily;

and held her ground.

'Fan?' he cried savagely. 'What fan?' Unfortunately the passions that had swept through his mind during the

last few minutes, the discovery he had made, and the flood of pity that

would let him think of nothing but the girl--the girl carried away

screaming and helpless, a prey to he knew not whom--left in his mind

scant room for trifles. He had clean forgotten the fan. But the crowd

gave him no credit for this; and some murmured, and some exchanged

glances, when he asked 'What fan?' Still more when my lady rejoined,

'The fan in your breast,' and drew it out and all saw it, was there a

plain and general feeling against him.

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