"Must you, dear boy?" said Mr. Randall. "Surely there is no hurry."

John laughed. "No hurry, indeed, sir," he said, "as we have been here since the Harvest Ball."

"It has been lovely, indeed," said Mrs. Randall, and she and Catherine smiled at each other.

"I shall return to Gillean tomorrow," said my father.

Kevin looked up from the pan of nuts in his lap; we both looked at our father.

"There is really no need, is there?" said Mr. Randall. "Gillean is so close; why you can visit there every day!"

"I must return, and resume my duties as before," he said. "It is time that I do so."

"I shall go with you, Father," said Kevin.

I felt my heart stop, my breath suddenly gone, as a thrill of horror threaded through me. I could not go to Gillean. I could not.

"Jessie shall stay here with us, of course," said Mr. Randall. My breath returned; my heart resumed beating. "Robbie will surely be home any day now, and she will of course wish to be here then."


"Of course," said my father.

I bowed my head. I knew that the Randalls were worried about Robbie; but I thrust the thought from me. There was no need to worry about Robbie; when had he ever spared a moment's concern for anyone he left behind at Brianag? He was completely thoughtless, and I would spare no thought for him. I only wished, for his family's sake, that he would send word. His letters had said he would be home for Christmas; could he have not at least written to tell us of his change of plans? I took the nutmeat that Kevin offered me, grinding my teeth into it. Robbie would do as he wished, as always, and everyone else would simply wait for him to come home.

The next day the weather cleared. My father and Kevin departed after dinner. I could not stop myself from weeping, though I could not speak of my thoughts. I finally managed to say, "Please visit soon!" and kissed them goodbye.

A few days later, John and Cathy departed for Grant's Hill. I wept again, as did Mrs.

Randall. "Oh, I shall miss you all dreadfully!" said Cathy. "Spring cannot come quickly enough!"

"Oh, we shall surely see you before spring!" I said, wiping my eyes. "Kevin and I will ride together to Grant's Hill, if necessary."

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