"Put your hands on your head," I yelled. He did and I cuffed him.

I caught my breath as I looked around. Pete and Jeff had handcuffed the two men who had surrendered while Keith took the weapons away from the three men who had been shot and checked on their conditions.

"Send SWAT in the hostiles have been taken out, we have two containers possibly containing Anthrax, and men in need of medical attention. Grey is not here, I repeat he is not here." Pete said.

"Hazmat and SWAT are coming in," Amy said.

Keith walked over and stood in front of me. "That was impressive."

"Thanks--" I said. I was going to say something else but stopped when I heard a noise. I turned to see a man run out of a door that was at the back of the room. He ran towards the containers and opened fire in our direction. I pushed Keith out of the way as I felt the burning fire of a bullet pass through my right forearm. Pete and Jeff took the man out and I dropped to the floor in agony.

"Amanda!" Keith pulled himself up and rushed over to me. I holstered my gun and slowly slipped out of my jacket. Keith knelt down beside me and looked at my arm; it was already bleeding through my shirt. He put his hands over the hole which was the size of a quarter and held tight. I became dizzy but knew that I had to stay conscious so I focused on him.

"Agent Andrews is down. We need a medic!" Keith yelled.

"They're coming," Pete said as he and Jeff ran off to see if there were any other hidden men in the back room. They returned a few minutes later and gave the all clear sign as the SWAT team came in from the front of the building.

"There are three men here who need to be taken back to CTC, and also one man that way," Jeff pointed towards the direction he and Pete had entered. "Shepard?"


"And one man that way, along with an injured man, and another behind a dumpster in the alley." Keith pointed towards the way we had entered. Then he returned his focus on me.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm fine it just hurts," I said softly.

"I know just hang on. I'm here."

The SWAT leader Alex motioned and gave directions to his men who spilt up to round up the hostiles. Four paramedics rushed in. Two went to attend to the man who had been shot in the leg and the man who had been shot in the chest. The other two men weren't going to make it. One paramedic came over to me and the other rushed off to help the man in the other room. The Hazmat team in blue suits ran in and immediately opened the metal box.

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