"I don't know how I'll ever repay you," I said laying the sweetness on thick.

"Well, how about we go out for drinks?" He didn't waste any time, he didn't even know my name and was making a move. Jerk. "Well..."

He touched my arm and it took all I had not to snap his. Luckily Keith handled it as he knocked him upside his head with the butt of his gun. He fell to the ground unconscious.

"What a piece of work," I muttered.

Keith chuckled and then took the handcuffs off the man's belt then dragged him back behind the dumpster where he cuffed him to it. "Nice job," Keith said when he came back.

"Thanks, you too."

"Amy, the guard is out of the way. We're going in," Keith said.

"Copy that."

We pulled out our PDA's and checked the layout one more time. "First this room, then this one, and then we'll enter the main room," Keith pointed out each one on the screen.



I pulled out my gun as we walked to the gate. Keith pushed it open and we made a run for the building since the area was wide open and dangerous. Across the open area trash was strewn about and weeds were popping up through the cracked cement, I tried to make as little noise as possible. The warehouse was a one story red brick building with boarded up windows. It was dilapidated and run down as if no one was using it, but we knew that wasn't true. The hostiles knew no one would suspect there was a deadly biochemical inside waiting to be released to the general population, and if someone hadn't slipped up and tipped us we'd still be in the dark.

We crouched down on opposite sides of a wooden door. Keith motioned that he was going to kick it in and I nodded. He did a countdown of three on his fingers and then stood up and kicked hard on the door which cracked as it swung open. I jumped up to cover him.

A tall man with dark black hair and dark blue eyes wearing a black shirt and slacks, sat at the desk reading. He jumped up and pulled out a gun. Keith and I fired shots into the man's chest and he crumpled to the floor. I grabbed his weapon and tossed it aside. He would need medical attention but he would probably survive.

"Hostile one has been taking out. We're moving onto the next room."

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