“I’m sorry, no stay!” I laughed and tried to tug him back down to the couch and managed to get my giggles under control. “You have to understand that guys don’t just go walking around asking things like that.”

“I know.” His clenched teeth and rigid posture told me all I needed to know. I sighed and leaned back in order to really take him in. His form was big, muscular. He was dark, dangerous, brooding, funny. He was everything. I let out a little gasp.

His eyes narrowed. “What?”

Embarrassment washed over me as I looked down at my clenched hands and whispered, “You’re kind of both.”

“As in a hybrid?” he asked.

I glanced up, he was grinning like an absolute fool. His smile did funny things to me. It made me feel like I wanted to attack him but hold his hand at the same time and enjoy the feel of his palm against mine. Smiles were a special case, and I sometimes wished he would reserve them only for me.

“Yes, Alec. A hybrid, you’re like a vampwolf.” I burst out laughing and turned away. He pounced on me, his body hovered over mine.

“Is my man card gone now?” His face was so close to mine I could only see his lips as they formed the words.

My eyes traced the corner of his firm jaw. “No.” I reached up and trailed my hand down his muscular shoulder and arm.

He shuddered. “Damn it.” His eyes flashed. For a second I was scared and then he was kissing me. With a groan my body flared to life as his muscular form covered mine. I was suffocating in him. I needed him so much it was painful. I reached for his shoulders and pulled him closer. He wedged his leg between mine then reached for my hips pulling me against him.

Alec had never kissed me like this. He placed his hands behind me and grasped my butt as he deepened the kiss. Frantic, I reached for his shirt. He was already there without my help. He tugged it off giving me an amazing view of his tattooed body and muscled abs. I gasped and gave an involuntary shudder.


“Nat, you drive me crazy.”

“Good crazy?” I asked breathlessly as he gazed down at me.

He tilted my chin upward and kissed the corner of my mouth. “Crazy crazy.”


“Yeah, oh.” He chuckled against my neck, then began sucking below my ear before returning to my lips. I reached for the buttons of his jeans, but he pushed my hands back down, pinning me against the couch.

I tried again, but he pushed me away, this time slapping at my hands.

I laughed and let my hands fall to my side. “Seriously?”

He nuzzled my neck. “I’m not that kind of guy.”

Sighing, I tilted my head to give him better access. “Right now, I kind of wish you were.”

His hands stilled, his lips frozen on my neck. Crap. What did I do?

“You can’t say things like that to me, Nat. Not when we’re like this, because I want nothing more than to take you on this couch and very aggressively, very slowly, very purposefully, have my way with you.”


“Nat,” he warned, his arms flexing as he braced himself above me.

I knew he was painfully turned on. I mean how could I not tell? But I was just as uncomfortable as he was. I wanted him. And it wasn’t just my hormones speaking, it was so much deeper.

“I know what you’re thinking,” he said.

“No, you don’t.”

“But I do.” He kissed my lips, softly tugging on the bottom one, then biting down causing a pleasurable pain. “You think it would be worth it, but I promise you, that’s not the case.”


“Because you don’t know what kind of guy I am.”

“But I do!”

His eyes got very sad as he bowed his head to touch mine. “Nat, you don’t.”

“Then tell me, and let me make my choice.”

“What if by telling you, I lose you?”

“Do you really think I’m that kind of person?”

“Yes and no.” He wrapped his hands around my head and pressed his mouth against mine, deepening the kiss, his tongue swirled in my mouth causing sensations to flare to life all throughout my body. He tasted so sweet, his body was so warm. I felt comfortable and scared all at once. Excited, yet cautious. Being with Alec was like trying to tame a tiger. You never knew if he was going to play fair or if he was going to pounce.

I pressed my palm flat against his chest and closed my eyes as I allowed myself to get lost in his kiss. Soon I realized I was no longer in a situation I could control, but then again maybe I hadn’t ever been in control. Not when it came to Alec. He groaned and lifted me then threw me back onto the couch so that he was straddling near my hips, his hands moved to my chest and then dipped under my shirt.

I should have realized that something would go wrong. After all, hadn’t everything?

I didn’t hear the door click.

Nor did I hear anyone shout our names.

By the time I opened my eyes it was too late. Demetri stood there, a sad smile on his lips. I nudged Alec, he pulled back and then scowled.

“Second again, brother. Don’t you have a little starlet to go screw?”

I slapped him so hard my hand stung.

Tears streamed down my face as I struggled to get out from under his hold. Alec held me firm. I twisted in his grip. Nobody said a word. What. The. Hell.

Demetri didn’t move. He watched me struggle. Watched his brother and shook his head before dropping his bag to the floor. “I came home early to see Nat.”

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