In fact, he was the perfect gentleman, which he proved again upon arrival at the party when he ran to my side and opened the car door.

“Are you for real?” I blurted.

“What?” He looked genuinely confused.

“You opened my door,” I said dumbly.

Alec’s eyebrows drew together as if he was trying to figure out why I was so amazed. “How else were you supposed to get out of the car?”

Well, when he put it that way.

“Nevermind,” I muttered semi-irritated that he was being so nice to me. Why couldn’t he be this nice at school? Why did he always keep his distance? It would be so much easier to forget about him if he would just be distant all the time. But no, he went around opening doors for girls and asked if they needed ice after a run, and even tied their shoes for them. Okay, so really, he just did those things for me, but still! Who did that to a complete stranger? A normal, boring, girl who lived in Seaside, Oregon?

Crap. I wanted to yell. Instead I gritted my teeth and followed Alec inside. The party was already crowded. Kids I hadn’t seen in years suddenly came out of the woodwork. You know the type. The ones you could have sworn transferred or dropped out, and suddenly they’re running around and talking to you like you’re best friends.

Alec grasped my arm. His touch shocked me, and unfortunately caused me to trip right into his arms.

“You okay?” He righted me and grasped my shoulders looking intently into my eyes.

“Yeah, um…” His eyes were so green. For a minute I forgot to breathe, or at least it felt like it. His gaze never wavered as he waited for me to answer, I just wasn’t sure I would be able to. Weren’t high school boys supposed to be jerks? Players? Horny? Alec was none of those things. Indifferent, yes. But… “Just not used to heels, I guess,” I finally managed.


“You made it!” Demetri came up behind me and squeezed my side, his hand dangerously close to my butt as he pulled me into a side hug and kissed my neck. What had once given me chills now left me a little irritated. Couldn’t he see Alec and I were having a moment? Well, I was having a moment. Alec was probably waiting for me to stop having a seizure.

“Damn, you look sexy!” Demetri’s nose went instantly into my hair as he again nipped my neck. “Please tell me you’re staying with me tonight.”

I didn’t answer. I couldn’t. Not with Alec’s gaze boring into mine the way it was. Helpless, I looked at Demetri. His blonde hair was sticking up all over the place, his blue eyes alive with amusement and excitement, but slightly glazed over.

“How much have you had to drink?” I asked.

“Enough to feel good, but not so much that I can’t please you later, Babe.” His mouth sloppily met mine. I fought the urge to push him back, but every time I was in his arms I felt wanted. I hated that I liked that feeling, but Demetri could have anyone, and for some reason he wanted me. He chose me.

When he stumbled back I glanced behind him and noticed that Alec had wandered off.

“Parties aren’t really his scene,” Demetri explained grabbing my hand. “He’d rather read a book, or go to a poetry slam, or whatever g*y guys do.”

My head jerked so fast I nearly fell over. “Gay?”

“Well, I have my suspicions,” Demetri admitted, pulling me onto the dance floor. “Now come on, I’ve been waiting for you all night. Let’s see those moves.”

He twirled me a few times. I laughed because I couldn’t help it. I liked it when Demetri was happy, and I had to admit I loved that girls were looking at me as if they wanted to stab me and steal my boyfriend.

Was he my boyfriend?

We danced for a while. Sweat formed at the base of my neck. I was so thirsty.

“Drinks?” Demetri nodded and grasped my hand.

He went to the punch bowl and filled our red cups to the rim. “Cheers.”

“What are we celebrating?” I leaned in so he could hear me.

He took a big gulp of his drink. “I thought you knew?”


Demetri placed the cup on the counter next to us and pulled me into his arms. Usually my head only met his shoulders, but with my heels I was eye-to-eye with his chin, big improvement.

“I want you to be my girlfriend.”

And this is the part where any sane girl would look around the room for a hidden camera.

“Excuse me?” I said weakly.

“You. I want you.” His lips found mine. My world tilted as he pushed me against the counter, his tongue licking the corner of my mouth before he slowly took a step back and gazed into my eyes. His look was predatory, hungry, as he swooped down and kissed me again. His hands slid beneath the straps of my dress and tugged down towards my bra. It was so sudden I could only respond with a moan. His control was gone. Never had he been so flippant with me, so aggressive. Panicking just slightly, I tried to push him away, get him to cool off. I still wasn’t used to that type of attention and part of me still doubted what he said. After all, he looked somewhat wasted, and I could have sworn I saw him swallow some sort of pill with his beer earlier when we were dancing.

“Are you sure?” His large arms braced my body as he lifted me off the ground, his kiss sending an alarming if not, lustful thrill through my body.

“I’m sure,” he whispered, pulling away and winking.

For some reason the satisfaction that was supposed to come at a time like this was absent. Instead, I felt… kind of sick. Maybe it was because I was dehydrated. I took a sip of the red cup and nearly spit the contents onto the floor.

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