He nodded.

“So you told me the lie.”

He paused, then nodded again.

I guess I hadn’t given him a reason to trust me. It still stung that he didn’t. Then again, he didn’t know me at all. If anything, I could be the type of girl that would gossip about our private conversations, even our kiss.

I wasn’t that girl.

I immediately felt the need to tell him, but he didn’t give me a chance. He dropped back down on the sand and jerked me down so hard I fell on top of him. He flipped me onto my back and opened his mouth to mine.

He tasted so good. His hands pinned mine to the sand as his tongue explored my mouth and he bit at my lower lip.

I moaned when he turned away and cursed. Are you trying to distract me?”

“Does it matter?” he asked out of breath.

I nodded.

His eyes got sad. “Then yeah, I am.”


“Get off me.” I tried to push him away, but he wouldn’t budge. “I said get off!”

I wasn’t used to people not listening to me. This boy was more confusing than any I had ever come across… well, except Alec. He took the cake on that one.

“I like you,” was all he said. As if that explained why he would take advantage of me by kissing me.

“Well, I don’t like you.”

He laughed and nibbled on my ear. “Yeah, actually, I think you do.”

Irritated, I pushed his chest again, but his lips moved to my neck as he sucked near my collarbone, his tongue twirled in circles as his teeth lightly bit down.

I pulled him closer to me. I didn’t want any space between our bodies. I wasn’t even cold any more. No, I was on fire. I wanted him more than anything in the world.

“We have school in the morning,” he whispered in my ear. Crap even school sounded sexy on his lips.

I groaned. “I know.”

“We should go.” But he didn’t move.

“Yep.” I really had no excuse for my behavior as I clenched him tighter and covered my mouth with his.

He chuckled beneath my kiss, then lifted me over his body so I was straddling him. I kissed down his neck, like he had mine. He groaned and then cursed pulling my hands back. “If you keep doing that, this night is going to end very very well, and it can’t.” He cursed again and covered his eyes with his hand. “And if you keep looking at me like you want to eat me, I’m most likely going to strip you naked and have my way with you.”

No boy had ever talked to me like that before. I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to be offended or complimented. Struggling with my answer, I stayed silent, my brows furrowed.

Chuckling, he reached up and kissed my mouth softly. “Let me put this in a way you’ll understand. I want you more than I should after only knowing you a day. And I’m used to getting what I want. If you stay, I’ll get it. And you don’t deserve that.”

I jerked away and nodded my head as I got to my feet.

“I need a minute,” he shook his head and then closed his eyes as he lay in the sand. It looked like he was meditating.

My body was still on fire and trembling from our interaction.

After a few silent minutes, he dusted off the sand and grabbed my hand. “Do you really want to know why we’re here?”

I clenched his hand tightly. “Yes!”

“Good.” He smirked and pulled me into a side hug, kissing my head. “Maybe if you keep hanging out with me, I’ll tell you.”

I jerked away and swatted him.

We stopped in front of my house. I looked around for a car but saw nothing.

“Need a ride?” I called after him as he disappeared further down the road.

“Didn’t think you were that kind girl.” He called back winking as he quickly turned and walked into the house right next to mine.

Holy crap. The brothers were living next door to me. Could it get any worse?

“I meant in a car!” I yelled back upset.

“Ooh!” He lifted his hands in the air. “Even better!”

“I hate you!”

“No, you don’t!” He laughed before walking into the large house next door.

One thing I knew for sure. It was going to be a long school year.

Chapter Six

I woke up Friday ready to face the day. Well, sort of. I hadn’t run the day before. I knew if I wanted to actually make it through track season this spring that I needed to keep training. Besides, I had to be up extra early for that stupid Homecoming meeting. Especially considering I had missed two in a row and was now on Alesha’s crap list. Why had I agreed to serving on the committee in the first place? Oh right, because my friend forced me into it and Evan claimed he needed someone who wasn’t currently trying to get into his pants. Which was totally how he and Alesha acted around each other. She’d flutter her eyelashes, he’d roll his eyes, and seconds later they’d be making out in the closet. Evan always claimed temporary insanity. However, I knew the truth. He wanted her just as bad. They just didn’t know how to jump out of the friends with benefits zone. But what guy would want that especially if Alesha was already giving him all the benefits?

I threw the covers back, sleepily rolled out of bed, and put on my workout gear. I twisted my hair into a ponytail and ran down the stairs out the front door.

The air was crisp and frigid. It was one of the colder mornings, but at least the wind wasn’t blowing as hard as it normally was. I don’t know why but running in the wind totally put me in a foul mood.

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