“You stupid, fucking cunt! You shot my man! You shot at me and Mace got hit! You wacked out junkie motherfucker!” Scar screamed with a punch to Janelle’s face. The gun waved around as Janelle fought back.

“He was mine! He was mine from the start, and you had to come round with your slutty tattoos and take him from me!” Janelle screeched through the punches that Scarlett rained down on her.

Scarlett reared her fist back and punched Janelle hard in the nose. Janelle released a high-pitched scream as blood sprayed from her face and she lost her grip on the gun. “He wasn’t yours. He’ll never be yours! You never fucking had him, you stupid brainless fuckwit!”

Reacting fast, I rushed in and pulled a cussing and thrashing Scarlett off Janelle who was still lying on the ground clutching her face, while Trip moved in and kicked the gun out of the way.

“You dumb twat! Who the hell do you think you are?” The voice belonged to a pissed Teeny who had ran outside and was advancing on Janelle. Before Trip could grab her, she’d kicked Janelle in the ribs. “You shot at my best fucking friend!” she yelled as Trip secured his arms around her torso and pulled her back, kicking and screaming.

I saw Scar shaking out her hand; she must have been in a bit of pain after going at Janelle so hard. She started inspecting her nails; an even angrier look appeared on her face.

“Bitch broke my motherfucking nail. Oh, screw that,” Scarlett murmured mostly to herself. All of a sudden, she stomped her foot down hard on mine and wriggled free of my arms. Red hot pain radiated through my shoulder as she tore off and started ripping at Janelle’s hair and throwing punches again.

Great! Now we had two crazy women re-enacting a scene from UFC-style wrestling, I thought as I sighed and made my way to pluck Scarlett off Janelle for the second time.

Just as I pulled her up, Scar was still screaming at Janelle and trying to get away as four police cruisers stopped on the street guns pulled, assessing the scene. I needed to settle Scar down before she got her ass tasered, and there was only one way to distract her. I spun her around in my arms, and slammed my mouth down on hers, taking her by surprise and kissing the ever loving shit out of her until her body went lax and she clung to my good shoulder. A growl tore up my throat as I kissed her hard and deep. I’d missed the taste of her, the feel of her body tight against mine. That sexy little mewl she made in the back of her throat. I really missed being inside her, and seeing her go into smack-down mode didn’t help my libido any. Scarlett only had to breathe for me to be turned on. Pulling back panting, I asked, “You calm now? She’s gone. They’ve cuffed her and put her in the car.”

“Mmm-hmm. You’re hurt. We need to get you looked at,” she shakily said, licking her red puffy lips, looking a little stunned. Scar turned in my arms to see the officers putting Janelle into the back seat of the cruiser. Turning her back to face me, I searched her face to assure myself she was okay. I saw the same concern shining through her eyes.

“I’m fine, babe. Just stings a little,” I told her, lying my ass off. I didn’t want her panicked. Apparently, I was worried for nothing because she held my face in her hands, stood on her tip toes and looked into my eyes.

“Mace if you don’t get in the back of that ambulance right now, I’m gonna have to punch you in the junk. And I really don’t wanna do that, baby; I’m kinda in love with your junk.”

With a snort, I asked, “Just my junk?”

Scarlet kissed me slowly before resting her forehead on mine, closing her eyes and letting out a deep breath. “I kinda might be in love with the rest of you too. Now, get the hell over it, and get in the ambulance before I hurt you.”

“Might be a good idea, dude. I saw the damage she did to crazy gun chick and it ain’t pretty,” a paramedic said in all seriousness behind me.

I nodded my head to him and turned back to Scar. “You done fighting it yet? I need you back, babe. I can keep going with the cheesy shit, ‘cause I know how much you like it, but I need you back.”

“You throw any more of your cheesy crap at me, and regardless of my affection for your junk, you’ll lose it.” She told me, a small smile playing on her lips, her arms wrapped tightly around my waist. “Yeah, I give. You want all this crazy back, you can have it. Just no more sappy music or fluffy shit, and you ever put pink anything in my car again, you’ll be swimmin’ with the fishes.”

A huge smile took over my face as she pushed at my chest gently. “In the ambulance. Now Romeo.” She ushered me into the back of the waiting ambulance, stopping only to hug and kiss my family goodbye as they left. “I’ll meet you there. I need to check on Teeny before I leave,” she told me, bending down to meet my lips where I lay on the stretcher.

“Love you, Scar,” I whispered against her lips.

“Love you right back, Mace.” Her words lifted a heavy weight off my chest. Everything was going to be just fine, more than fine. I had Scarlett’s love. We might not be perfect, but it was the very thing I didn’t know I’d been searching for, the thing I needed to breathe again.

“Hold still a second, bud, just gonna give you something to take the edge off,” the paramedic told me as he hopped up in the back of the truck.

“Thank fuck! This shit hurts like a bitch,” I groaned once I saw Scar was out of earshot.

“My shoulder itches and I can’t reach it,” I grumbled, unsure if Scarlett even heard me from the kitchen.

“Stop sulking, pull up your big girl panties and suck it up. You can’t scratch at it anyways!” she yelled out.

“I’m not sulking,” I mumbled, tossing the TV remote onto the sofa I was sitting on. It’d been almost a week since I was released from hospital with a few stitches and a sling. Both of which were driving me crazy. The only good thing about it was having Scarlett take care of me. When she’d met me at the hospital, I’d been informed I was staying with her so she could look after my cute ass—her words not mine. Things had gone from good to great. Having Scarlett back was the best damn thing that came from that cluster-fuck of a situation.

She’d yet to let me touch her though. She claimed I’d hurt myself and pop my stitches. The only thing I was gonna pop was a ball; I was so wound up it was cruel. Watching her prance around the house in her tiny shorts or her lacy panties was a different kind of torture, a kind of torture I was almost certain she was pulling out on purpose. My dick was constantly hard, and I was pretty damn certain my balls were so blue they might fall off the next time she bent over in front of me. I’d promised her I’d behave myself but my self-control was wearing paper thin.

“Here you go, sweetums, eat up. I need you big, strong and healthy,” she said sweetly from behind me as a tiny pink plate was passed over my shoulder, with a small heart shaped sandwich in the middle surrounded by apples cut into flower shapes. This was the other form of torture; Scarlett was dishing back all the tacky-cheesy shit I’d laid on her while we were apart, and she was taking it to the extreme. I had my very own fluffy bathrobe and old man slippers with my name and little hearts sewn into them. It made me laugh though. Regardless of the fact she hated all the mushy crap, she was damn good at it.

“I have a busted shoulder, babe. I’m still big—whoa!” My rant died on my lips as she walked around the sofa.

“What, where, uhhh, I—is that? Are you?” All the blood rushed from my head directly to my crotch as I took in the sight of Scarlett sitting square in front of me on the edge of the coffee table wearing a very tight, very tiny, very revealing naughty nurse costume. The white material left very little to the imagination, her perfect boobs spilling out the top begging to be freed, licked, and tasted.

Sweet baby Jesus.

As my eyes roamed down her sexy body, I cleared my throat trying to get my voice to work. The only thing running though my head was how quickly I could rip that tiny red scrap of lace from between her legs. I needed to be inside her. Now.

Scarlett licked her full red lips and leaned down, running her hands slowly up the inside of her thighs, from her tiny feet, clad in bright red fuck me heels, up further until she reached the matching garter on her right leg. Flicking it as she ran her hand up higher, opening her thighs a little more, her fingers trailed up over her panties, the ring in her clit slightly visible through the lace. Jesus Mary and Joseph, please don’t let her be torturing me again. I don’t think I can handle it, I silently prayed.

“Scarlett, baby, you need to quit that; I can’t take it anymore. I need to be inside you,” I growled. My dick was so hard I could’ve hammered nails with it. Reaching out to pull her forward, she slapped my hand away. “Nuh-uh, hands to yourself.”

“Stop teasing me then,” I grumbled, almost panting when Scar popped another button at the top of her dress, more of her gorgeous tits pushing over the edge.

She swiftly dropped to her knees in front of me, the muscles in my stomach tensing up and my dick jumping as she undid my belt and lowered my jeans and boxer briefs just enough to expose me. Sucking in a breath as she licked her lips staring at my rock hard erection, I was gonna embarrass myself the moment she put those lips around me. I was sure of it. Scarlett’s tongue snaked out and flicked against my head, and then teasingly, slowly, she ran her tongue the full length of me. I groaned deeply at the contact. The moment she took me fully into her mouth, I threw my head back, eyes clenched shut at the sheer heat and feeling of having her perfect lips wrapped around me, her hand working me slowly up and down.

Pulling back and making a loud popping sound when she freed me from her mouth, she breathlessly rasped, “Watch me suck your cock, baby.”

“Uhnggg-” My whole body was on fire with those dirty words coming from her, that sweet little mouth rocking my world as she continued her assault. “Fuck, Scar! You gotta stop or I’m gonna come. I need to come in you not your mouth,” I growled, my jaw working hard, biting down the pleasure shooting up my spine, making my head spin. I fisted her hair driving my cock as far down her throat as I could one more time, before I eased her back and up to stand.

Scarlett bit down on her puffy bottom lip, lifted her leg and pulled her panties aside. With one finger, she slowly dipped inside her pussy, bought her finger up to my mouth and slipped it past my lips as I sucked.

Her eyes heavy and hooded, she crawled up onto my lap, straddling me. With my one useable arm, I pulled her up further until she stood on the sofa, one leg on either side of me. I wrapped a hand around her waist and lowered her enough that her cunt was right in my face. Licking and suckling, I held her tight to my face until she was writhing and screaming my name.

“Gotta have you now, baby. Gotta be inside you,” I whispered in a gravelly voice as I lowered her slowly down.

Scarlett took over, planting herself firmly on my throbbing dick.


The feeling of her tight body wrapped around me was too much to take. Gripping her firmly around the waist with my one good arm, my forehead fell to her shoulder. “I need you to stay still for a second, just—”

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