And right then, standing in my room, listening to the voice that could make my heart soar, ache, jump, and melt, a small part of me wished I was normal. If I was normal, if I was human, I could be with Garret. I wouldn’t have dragon slayers kicking down my door, wanting to kill me. I wouldn’t be standing here, feeling like the ground was opening under my feet, and I was seconds from plummeting into the void.

“I don’t know, Garret,” I whispered, my throat suddenly tight.

“Now isn’t really the best time.”

“Please.” His voice didn’t change, but I caught a hint of desperation beneath the quiet surface. “It won’t take long. Meet me at Lov-er’s Bluff in twenty minutes. I just…I have to talk to you, tonight.”

My phone buzzed before I could reply. I glanced quickly at the screen, my skin prickling as I saw an unfamiliar number. Riley.


“All right,” I said, putting the phone back to my ear. “Lover’s Bluff, twenty minutes. I’ll be there.”

“Good.” It was almost a whisper. “See you then.”

I ended the call with Garret, and switched to the one coming in. “Riley?”

“Hey, Firebrand.” The voice on the other end sounded tired. “We made it. Still planning to leave with us?”

I swallowed the lump in my throat. “Yes. And Dante is coming as well.”


“Oh, well, color me shocked. I didn’t think you’d be able to convince him.” Riley sounded reluctantly impressed and disappointed at the same time. “We’re at Lone Rock Cove right now, back in the cave. Had to scare a couple potheads off the beach, but its empty now.

Wes has a car waiting. We leave as soon as you and Dante get here.”

“Give us an hour,” I told him, ignoring the sudden gnawing guilt, the feeling that I was betraying him. “I…I want to say goodbye to a couple people first. It’ll be fast.”

“We can’t wait too long, Firebrand,” Riley said. “We’ll be here, but come as quickly as you can.”

“I will. See you soon.”

Dante was standing in the doorway when I hung up and turned around. His backpack hung from his shoulders, a baseball cap perched on his head, and his face was solemn as he eyed the phone in my hand.

“Was that the rogue?”

I nodded. “They’re at Lone Rock,” I murmured, lowering my arm.

“We have to meet up with them soon, but…”

Dante frowned. “But…?”

“Garret called.” I slipped the phone into my jean’s pocket. “He wants to meet with me, said that it was important. I said that I would meet him at Lover’s Bluff in twenty minutes.” I chewed my lip, torn in two directions. “We shouldn’t keep Riley waiting, not with St.

George still out there,” I murmured. “I just wish I could see Garret one more time, say goodbye.”

“Why don’t you do that?” Dante said, surprising me. I blinked at him, and he shrugged. “The rogue isn’t going anywhere,” he said casually. “I’ll go ahead to the cove, let him know that you’re on the way. You should go talk to Garret.”

“Dante.” Still stunned, I could only stare at him. “I…are you sure?”

“Take the car,” Dante insisted. “You’ll get there faster. Don’t worry about me; I’ll catch a cab or have Calvin drive me up. But you should go.” He shrugged, and a tiny smile crossed his face. “I know you liked that human. If it will make you feel less guilty, you should tell him goodbye.”

I wanted to hug him again, but didn’t this time. Instead, I snatched my keys from where they sat on my desk, threw my pack over one shoulder, and gave Dante one last, uncertain look.

“You’re sure you’re okay with this?”

“Yes. I’m fine.”

“And you’ll be at the cove when I get there, right?”

“Ember.” Now he sounded impatient, though he wouldn’t meet my eyes. “Just get going. I’ll see you soon, I promise.”

I nodded. “Tell Riley I won’t be long.”

Brushing past him, I hurried down the hall, out the front door, and sprinted to the sedan waiting in the driveway. Tossing the backpack to the front seat, I hopped in and turned the key in the ignition, bringing the car to life. It had been awhile since I’d driven, but I remembered how it worked, more or less.

Backing onto the road, I caught sight of Dante, watching me from the window, right before I hit the gas and sped off toward the bluff and Garret.

The tiny parking lot closeto the bluff was deserted, except for a single black jeep that I instantly recognized. By now, the sun had set, and a shimmering full moon was climbing into the sky. It was very quiet as I climbed out of the car, looking around for Garret. I didn’t see him, but the sign pointing up the steps to Lover’s Bluff was easily visible in the darkness.

My stomach fluttered. It wasn’t long ago that I’d snuck out to meet Cobalt here and spent the night flying the waves with him. So much had happened since. Meeting Garret. Training with Lilith. Discovering things about the Vipers and Talon I wished I’d known earlier.

Facing down St. George. Deciding to go rogue, leave everything I knew behind, and not look back. Who could’ve guessed that one fateful meeting would lead to this?

Now, there was just one more thing I had to let go of. One last goodbye.

Taking a deep breath, I started up the narrow, twisty path to Lover’s Bluff.

He was leaning against the railing with his back to the sky, the moonlight blazing down on him as I climbed that final step. Silvery light glinted off his pale hair and washed over his lean form, dressed head to toe in black. His arms were crossed and his head was bowed, but I saw the gleam of gunmetal eyes as he spotted me and pushed himself off the railing.

A warning tickled the back of my brain as I crossed the flat rock toward the lone figure waiting at the edge of the cliff. Something about him seemed…wrong. This wasn’t the same Garret I’d met before, the boy who I’d kissed in the ocean, whose smile could turn my insides to mush. This was a cold, remote stranger, and my heart began to crash in my chest.

“Garret?” I asked softly, peering into his face as I got closer. His expression was blank, completely closed off. “I’m here. Are you all right?”

He didn’t answer, but a flicker of anguish went through his eyes as he looked at me. He looked completely lost, then, like something horrible had happened, and he didn’t know what to do. Worried, I stepped closer, and he stiffened, almost like he was…afraid of me.

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