The rogue dragon smiled, eyes gleaming. Ignoring my question, he shot a mock-inquisitive look at Garret, though I could practically see the dragon watching the human like it was about to cook him in the middle of the living room. “Mind if I cut in?”

Garret went rigid, his arms becoming steel bands around my waist, though he gave no outward sign of alarm. His voice was coolly polite when he answered. “I do, actually.”

Riley continued to smile, but his eyes glinted. It was clear he thought the human defying him was amusing, which made me kinda nervous. Riley was a rogue; he didn’t play by Talon’s rules. I didn’t think he’d be stupid enough to Shift here, surrounded by dozens of eyewitnesses, and blast Garret to cinders, but I couldn’t be certain.

Besides, I needed to talk to him. There were so many questions I wanted answers to, so many things about Talon that needed explaining, and he had magically shown up, right here at Kristin’s party. Of course, in true Riley fashion, he had showed up at the worst possible time, but I couldn’t let him get away now. And my own dragon was bouncing against my skin, thrilled that he was here. She hadn’t forgotten that night, soaring the waves with Cobalt, and neither had I.

“Garret,” I said softly, bringing his attention to me. “I know him.

Let me talk to him, just for a second.”

He wasn’t pleased. His jaw tightened and his eyes went blank, but he gave a stiff nod and stepped away. Turning, he melted into the crowd without a backward glance, and I was alone with the rogue.

Taking a breath, I was about to suggest we go somewhere private to talk, when another song began, faster this time, stirring the dancers into a surging, writhing sea. Riley suddenly grinned and stepped close, moving gracefully with the music, his smile challenging. After a moment’s hesitation, I joined him, pretending to be reluctant, but I couldn’t ignore the excited fluttering of the dragon within. Riley continued to smile, but his eyes were mocking.

“Well, Firebrand, here we are again.” His voice was low and cool, meant only for me as we danced close. Not touching, but I could feel the heat that radiated from him, as if a fire blazed near the surface.

“And I see you’ve assimilated quite nicely. You do realize that was a human, right? In case you’ve forgotten, you’re not exactly like him.”

“Keep your voice down,” I hissed back, though with the music pounding the walls and the general obliviousness of the crowd, there was little chance of someone paying attention. Still, it was something Talon had pounded deep into my head; never, ever talk about dragon related things in the company of humans. “That’s none of your business, anyway. How did you even know I’d be here?”


Riley grinned. “I told you I’d find you again, didn’t I?” he crooned, moving even closer. “You seem surprised, Firebrand. Did you forget about me?” His voice was mocking, but his body moved like liquid, graceful and sure. He wasn’t a stranger to this type of scene, that was for certain. My stomach danced, and the dragon surged up like a flame, wanting free.

“Where have you been, anyway?” I asked. He just raised an eyebrow, obviously having no intention of answering that question, and I frowned. “They’re looking for you, you know,” I said, leaning even closer. “They sent agents in last month, because someone ratted you out.” Dante, I added in my head, though I didn’t say it out loud.

Fear suddenly twisted my stomach. Dante was here, at the party. if he spotted Riley now…Alarmed, I backed away. “You should go,” I told the rogue. “It’s dangerous for you here. If my brother sees us—”

In a blindingly smooth move, Riley slipped behind me. Before I knew what was happening, his hands were on my waist, sending a flare of heat through my stomach, as he bent close. “Don’t worry about me, Firebrand,” he said in my ear, as I wavered between leaning in to him and shoving him back. “I know how to take care of myself.

Question is, do you still want to know about Talon? Who they really are? What they want?” His lips grazed my cheek, breath tickling my skin. “I can tell you, if you’re still interested.”

I stiffened. He chuckled and slipped his hand into my pocket, very briefly, before pulling back.

“My number is on there,” he told me, as I felt in my pocket and discovered a scrap of paper, folded over several times. “When you want to talk,” Riley continued, serious now, “when they show their true face—and they will Firebrand, make no mistake about it—I’m here. You can always come to me. I want you to come to me.”

I didn’t know what to say to that. Riley was watching me, gold eyes bright and intense across the space between us, stirring the fire within. Dammit, why did he have this effect on me? Was it because he was a rogue? A fellow dragon, who dared to defy Talon and live his life the way I only wished I could? Or was it something else, something deeper? Something my dragon instincts responded to on a primal level? Riley as a human was charming, mysterious and yes, if I had to say it, smoking hot. But when I really looked at him, all I saw was the dragon.

Movement on the other side of the room caught my attention. I looked over to see Garret’s lean, bright form gliding across the floor toward the exit.


I had to get out of here.

I’d felt the first prick when the stranger had appeared asking to cut in, a sudden twinge of something odd and unfamiliar. Anger and…something else, something that made me want to shove the stranger back, though I kept myself calm. It flared up again, even stronger, when Ember admitted that she knew him, that she wanted to talk to him. I’d retreated to a corner to observe the pair, feeling grim and irrationally sullen, watching as they danced close. when the stranger suddenly moved behind Ember, putting his hands on her hips, I’d clenched my fists, fighting the burning desire to stalk over and drive a fist into his mouth.

That was when I’d caught myself. What was happening to me?

Why should I care what Ember did? It shouldn’t matter if she danced with someone else. It shouldn’t matter that they seemed comfortable together, that Ember sometimes looked at him with dark, lingering eyes. The stranger was a temporary setback, nothing more.

He wasn’t important.

But I found myself hating him, wanting to hurt him, to drive him away from the red-haired girl who was supposed to be mine.

Breathless, I slumped to the wall, numb with the realization. this anger, these illogical feelings of rage and possessiveness…I was jealous. I was jealous of a girl I was supposed to be stalking, seducing, for the sole purpose of revealing her true nature. This had become more than an objective, more than a mission.

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