Madison turned to look at Ephraim. “You knew!” she whispered excitedly.

“That he’s a Sentinel? I knew the first time I arrested him. I’ve been watching over him. Now I had to step up before he got hurt. He’s part of the reason I finally accepted their offer. You’re the other. That’s also the reason I bought the house. It’s going to be turned into a Sentinel home.”

“What’s that mean?”

“An alarm system, the place will be upgraded. A training facility will be built in the basement and it will be home to a few select clergy to help in the area. This will be our area to protect.”

“Are you going to tell him?”

“No, not yet. He has a lot on his plate at the moment.” She gave him a disapproving look. “Madison, let him be a boy for a little while longer. He’s never had a childhood the same as you. Let him have another year of a carefree life. That was the deal I made with the council. I will protect him and train him myself. He’s going to have vampires and minions after him in good time. For now let him be a boy. Can’t you see how badly he needs that? Needs a family? He’s already been rushed into adulthood. Let him hang onto the last thread of his childhood before he has to be a man for everyone else. Please?”

She nodded. “You’re right. He’s been so happy the last two weeks. He only comes to detention now to keep me company and his grades have gone up.”

“Exactly, we tell him now and he’s either going to rebel hard or get into it too fast and get himself killed. Please don’t tell him.”

“Tell me what?”

They looked up to see Chris coming out of the changing room in his old clothes. Madison had a sneaking suspicion that improved hearing was part of the Sentinel package.

“Are you all set for clothes?” she asked.

“Yes, these all fit.” He dropped them back into the carriage. “Tell me what?”

Ephraim stood up. “Well, I guess the surprise is ruined.”

“What surprise?”

“You’re going with me.”


“I’m going to get a tattoo.” He reached back to make sure the two pieces of paper he carefully folded and placed in his back pocket earlier were still there, Sentinel symbols identifying him as a Pyte and a Sentinel by election. The symbols were known to Sentinels and would save him time and energy later on if he had to identify himself or ask for help.


“Yes, I have two symbols I really like. You can come with me.” He raised an eyebrow. “That is unless you’re chicken.”

“Don’t start that shit, man. Let’s go!” He practically skipped over to Ephraim.

Ephraim pulled out his wallet and handed over the last of his cash to Madison. “Ephraim, there’s like two grand here.”

“I know. That should cover everyone.”

“That is more than enough to cover you and the kids and Grandma.”

“And you. Go buy some clothes.” She opened her mouth to argue. “Please just go buy what you want. I still owe you a birthday gift. So go buy some clothes.”

“You didn’t give her a gift? What happened to the ri-“

Ephraim’s hand clamped tightly across his mouth. “Let’s go before I decide to take Joshua instead of you.”

“Thank you.” She pulled him down for a kiss. “But you need to stop or you’re going to make me spoiled.”

“I like spoiling you.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “I’ll see you later, baby.”

She nibbled on her lip. “Are you really getting tattoos?”

“Oh, I think we’ll leave that as a surprise.”


“You said you were only getting two tattoos,” Chris said from his stool.

“I lied.”


“I decided on the third one when we stepped in here if you must know.”

“I must.”

“You know I’ve been doing this for ten years” Ed, the man who was filling in the tattoo on his chest, said. “And I can honestly tell you that I’ve never had a client that stood for his tattoo, never mind two at the same time.”

Jeff, the man who was filling in the one on his right shoulder, said “I would have to agree with that. I like these designs, man. Celtic?”

“Yes, and I’ll pay you an extra hundred dollars each never to replicate them for anyone.”

“Wanna keep the designs original? I gotcha man. Don’t worry about it. We don’t use anything here we don’t have permission for. Plus these damn tats of yours are so f**king intricate I would never be able replicate them anyway.”

“I appreciate it, gentlemen,” Ephraim said.

“I thought for sure you’d flinch or cry or something. You’re really disappointing me, Dad.” Chris was half teasing, but it was obvious that he really liked saying it.

Ed looked up at Ephraim with a curious look. “I would have guessed he was your brother.”

“Nope, he’s my son.”

“I’m adopted,” Chris said proudly.

“Well, your Dad’s a bad ass. I’ve had bikers who cry and squirm under my needle. Not your old man. Not one move.”

“It hurts like hell, but I don’t want to mess it up.” He lied. He barely felt the burn of the needle. He'd learned long ago how to block out pain.

“Smart man. One f**k up and this would be totally messed up.”

He frowned. “That’s what I thought.”

“So, Dad, where are you going to put the third one?” Chris asked.

“On my bicep.”

“Really? If you think you can handle it John should be back from his break in a few minutes. He can do that. Jeff, what do you think?”

“Hey, as long as everyone stays in their own space and he doesn’t move we should be good.”

“Sounds good,” Ephraim said. It really didn’t hurt that much. The skin healed as they worked. Plus, he’d had worse from Nichols.

“You know I think you should skip the tribal tattoo on your arm and instead put fangs, bloody fangs, big ones.” Chris grinned hugely.

Ephraim narrowed his eyes on him. Chris’ hands shot up in a gesture of surrender. “Just kidding.”

“You want an ‘M’ in the middle of the tribal band on your arm, right?”


“She might not like that,” Chris commented.

“It’s not for her. It’s for me.”

“Okay, whatever you say.” He chugged his soda down. “Hey, can I get a tattoo.”
“Not without your father’s permission and even with that I won’t do it until you’re at least seventeen,” Ed said.

“I can wait. Dad, can I?”

“We’ll see how the grades and behavior are. If they’re good then I’ll take you.”



He groaned. What the hell was he thinking getting a tattoo with her initial on it? The woman hyperventilated just hearing the word “love” and here he was sporting a tattoo with an ‘M’ in the middle. She was going to flip out. He’d be lucky if she didn’t kick him out of her bed for good.

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