Wet sucking sounds broke the silence followed by Trevor’s moans. Ephraim watched as Paula brought Trevor’s flaccid c**k back to life. At the same time she was palming herself, getting a nice erection for Trevor’s eyes.

Madison was mesmerized by the sounds. Trevor seemed to really be enjoying the attention. She pulled on Ephraim’s arm. She felt him lean down. “What is it?” he whispered.

“Is that something you would enjoy if I did it?” she asked in a rushed nervous whisper.

Two red eyes appeared in the dark. “You’re killing me you know that, don’t you?”

“Sorry. Just curious.”

“Well, stop. I’m trying to focus.” He took a deep steadying breath. She watched as his red eyes slowly faded away until she couldn’t see anything again.

“I’m ready,” Paula said.

“So am I, suck it harder,” Trevor moaned.

The lights flicked on.


“Stop screaming!” Ephraim snapped.

The high pitched screams slowly died. Trevor’s eyes flew from Paula’s erection, which incidentally was bigger than his own to Ephraim and Madison.

“Who’s that?” his voice cracked as he nodded towards Madison.

Ephraim reached up and shut off the camera before he stepped into the room. “That’s the woman you’ve been blackmailing.”

“Madison?” he asked in disbelief.

“Yes,” she said and then quickly averted her eyes. The years had not been good to him. He’d gained at least fifty pounds since she last saw him and his hair was thinning and graying. His erection was slowly deflating. “Can someone throw something over him?”

“Sorry.” Ephraim uncuffed him and threw his clothes at him.

“I’m leaving!” He pulled on his clothes so fast he fell over.

“No, you’re not.”

“The hell I’m not!”

Ephraim stepped in his path. “No, you’re not. If you take one more step towards that door I will arrest you.”

“Y-you’re a cop?”

“Police detective. You’ve been blackmailing a resident of New Hampshire and I have proof. You’re not very good at covering your trail I have to let you know.”


“But nothing, the arrest will stick. You will not leave the state. You will be convicted and sentenced here and then you’ll be extradited to New Mexico where they'll get to convict you as well.”


“I’ve taken the liberty of hiring Paul, I mean Paula, to ensure that this goes smoothly. After I’m done with you this little tape you made will be my insurance that you will never bother Madison or Joshua again.”


“You don’t love him. You’ve never given the kid a second thought. He’s had a good upbringing with Madison doing what you should have done in the first place. You’re not going to interfere again. If you ever grow some balls and want to be a real father to the kid you can contact Mrs. Buckman or Madison otherwise you will stay away.”


“Just stop talking. If I hear ‘but’ again I’m going to break your jaw. Now sit down.”

Trevor sat down. Ephraim walked over to his computer and turned the monitor on. A bank website was on the screen. “What’s the password?”

“What?” Trevor looked past him. “Hey, that’s my bank!”

“Yes, and that’s your account number typed in there. Your password?”

“You can’t do this! That’s my money!”

Ephraim turned around. “Really? Would you like to argue that?”

“Yes goddammit, that’s mine! I don’t care what your bitch says!”

That was the wrong thing to say. Ephraim had to force himself not to turn, but he wasn’t above kicking this bastard’s ass.

“Get up!” Ephraim snapped. He yanked on his tie and pulled it off and quickly pulled off his shirt, revealing the very tight white tank top that showed off every single muscle to perfection.

“Oh my my,” Paula said. His eyes were soaking up Ephraim’s body.

Madison had to stop herself from licking her lips. He really was addictive. “Come on, we’ll settle this now.” Ephraim waited, his hands clenching and unclenching into fists.

Trevor noticeably coward. “I-I-I…That’s my money!”

“That’s what I thought. You don’t know how badly I want you to take a swing at me right now,” Ephraim said. “You’ve made her life a living hell for five months and before that you sat back and did nothing while she struggled to put food in your son’s stomach and clothes on his back. You’re a piece of shit and you don’t deserve him and you should thank her, not steal from her.”

He had the good sense to look guilty. “My password is studmuffin69.”

Ephraim could only shake his head in bewilderment.

“But she’s only given me ten thousand! The rest is mine!”

“I said I didn’t want to hear the word ‘but’ again.” Ephraim pulled out a piece of paper with two account numbers on it.

He typed the first one in and entered twelve thousand. “You’re paying her twelve grand. She’s incurred late charges and fees because you were taking all of her money.”

“That’s fair I suppose,” he said in a harsh tone.

Ephraim hit "Send." He typed in the second account number. “This second transaction is to pay back all of those years that you left Madison to support your son.”

“I think ten thousand is more than fair to cover clothes, medical bills, food, shelter and other things little boys need.”

“Fine.” He bit out.

“This second account is in Joshua’s name with Madison as the backup. This will be his college account.” He hit send and looked back at Madison and Trevor. “Does that sound fair to everyone?”

Madison wiped her eyes and smiled. She mouthed “thank you.” He winked at her.

“Fine. But that’s it,” Trevor said. He knew he was trapped. “You don’t show that video to anyone and I won’t bother them again.”

“Not quite. Sign this.” Ephraim pulled out a clipboard from his desk drawer. “I had my lawyer draft up some papers.”

“What are these?”

“You are officially severing ties to Joshua and handing over custody to Mrs. Buckman, his grandmother and she in turn will make sure the boy goes to Madison if something should happen to her. I'll be providing for the boy so you won’t need to be bothered again.”

Trevor took the pen and signed. “Fine he was just a tax credit anyway.”

Ephraim hit him upside his head, sending him stumbling. “Watch it.”

Tears welled up in Trevor’s eyes. He nodded. “Paula, if you could?” He held out the paper.

“Don’t worry, handsome, no charge for witnessing this. This guy’s too big an ass**le. Keep him far away from that little boy.”

“Thank you, Paula.” Madison’s voice broke.

“Can I go now?” Trevor bit out.

“Yes, of course. Just remember that if you try to fight the transactions or get more money from her I’ll come back for you with this video.”

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