“You mean how did I become a Pyte?”


“My father was a vampire and my mother was a human. Somehow she became pregnant with me. I think he feared for her giving birth to me so the last month of the pregnancy he did a blood exchange with her. It worked. She lived and I lived.”

“Did you come out with fangs?”

“No!” he said, chuckling. “I was a normal boy, well a little weak and I didn’t age properly. Until I was your age I looked like a small boy.”

“Really? What changed?”

“I went into a coma.”

“For how long?”

“A month. Then I woke up looking exactly as I do today.” He looked at the handcuffs and smiled wryly. “Actually I woke very much in the same situation. I was chained to the bed after biting a maid.”

“So, I’m guessing you can’t die.”


‘That explains it.”

“Explains what?”

“Why you shot yourself. You knew you weren’t going to die so you did it. Didn’t hurt you much, did it?” He guessed.

“Chris, it hurt very much I can tell you that. I felt every single movement of that bullet as it broke through my skin, my breast bone, my heart and then when it stopped in my spine. If I had been a human there would have been an instant death. That pain wouldn’t have been felt. Trust me when I tell you that I do not want to repeat that particular event again.”

“But you passed out!”

“No, Chris, I didn’t. My eyes may have closed my body might have gone limp, but I was not entirely out of it. I couldn’t focus on anything going on around me. I was in the beginning stages of bloodlust when I realized I was hurting her. If I hadn’t reacted when I did, when I had some semblance of control, I would have been lost and Madison would have died.”

“The blood lust keeps me from thinking straight. If I’m deep in bloodlust the only thing that will stop me is blood or violence. When the bullet shot through me my body appeared to be shut down but my mind was kept in a haze. I was aware of all the pain and the scent and taste of Madison’s blood. Time and blood were the only things that kept me from waking up still in bloodlust. If I had I would be right now tearing through the house in search of her.”

He sat down on the edge of the bed, taking in what Ephraim was telling him. “Did you know it was going to hurt like that?”


“But you still did it.”



“What do you mean why?”

“I mean why did you purposely put yourself through that much pain if you knew how badly it was going to hurt?”

“Because I was hurting Madison.”

“Why didn’t you just let go? I know she said her blood was your weakness and all, but if you knew you were hurting her you could have let go.”

“Not with bloodlust I couldn’t. I wasn’t in control.”

“But you were able to shoot yourself.”

“I had to while I still had that little amount of control on my arm.”

Chris looked at the bedroom door. “What happened to those others things? They were vampires, right?”

“Yes, they were after my blood. I’m what you would call a day walker. Living forever is a plus too I suppose. They wanted my blood and it killed them.”

“So, that’s why you let them do it.”

“Not so much as let them do it. They trapped me.”

“You mean when you kissed that skank.”

Ephraim sighed, “I didn’t kiss anyone.”

“Are you sure? It sure looked like that to me.”

“Does she think I kissed her?”

Chris stood up and paced the room. “Don’t know. She wouldn't tell me what she thinks happened.”

“That would explain the handcuffs I suppose.”

“You think she plans on keeping you there until you talk?”

He sighed, “Yes. I still owe her two hours of answers.”

“She has two full hours of questions?”

“Well, probably not anymore.” He looked thoughtful.

“Why do you say that?”

“Because she’s been standing outside the door for the past ten minutes.”

“Is that why you answered my questions because you knew she was listening?”

He nodded. “That and you had a right to know if you’re going to keep my secret.”

Madison stepped into the room. “What gave me away?”

Ephraim raised an eyebrow. “I heard and smelled you.”

“Hey, where’s my cake?”

“It’s in your room. Go eat up and take a shower. You have school in the morning.”

“I have to go?”


“Damn it.”

“Goodnight, Chris,” Ephraim said.

“That cake better be worth it.” He closed and locked the door on his way out.

Ephraim gave her a lopsided grin and tried to look innocent. “Happy Birthday, baby.”

“Don’t try sweetening me up. Why didn’t you tell me that vampires were after you?”
“Well, in all fairness you never asked your questions. I can’t very well be in trouble for something you didn’t ask.”

She pressed her hands to her forehead. “You know what, it’s been a very long day, a very scary long day. If you’re going to joke around let me know now so that I can go to bed. I just want this day to end.”

“I’m really sorry, baby. I did try. I was trying to surprise you with a nice dinner and cake with your friends. I had to stop off to get your gift. I didn’t know she was there until it was too late.”

“What was she to you?” she asked softly. She was afraid she wasn’t going to like the answer.

“Nothing. No one. She was the servant of a Master.”

“So, you never slept with her?” She met his eyes. They were a bright blue.

“Is that what this is about? Why you have me chained? I did not kiss her. She kissed me quickly before I could push her away. She did it to pin me to the car so the others could grab me.” He frowned. “I take it they're all dead.”

“I don’t know. We didn’t stick around to check. You know you just avoided answering that question.”

“What question is that?” he snapped. “This is getting a little old, Madison. Just ask the f**king question and get it over with.”

She pulled back a sob. “No need. I think I just got my answer.” She turned her back on him. “Goodbye, Ephraim.”


“Yes, goodbye.”

“Look at me!” he snapped.

Madison slowly turned around and gasped. His eyes were red, his fangs were down, but that wasn’t the problem. He was free. Somehow he escaped the handcuffs without making a sound.

He climbed off the bed and stalked forward. “Do you think this is a game for me? Do you think I enjoy playing these f**king games of yours?”

She set her jaw stubbornly. “I’m not playing any games.”

“Aren’t you?”

“No, I’m not.” She refused to take a step back. She held her ground firmly. He stopped a foot away. Every muscle in his body was flexing.

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