Chris grinned like it was Christmas morning. “Yes, you did.” He brought her a cookie. “Very good, my young one. You’ve made Chris very happy with this little tidbit of information.”

“You have a very big mouth, Jill, did you know?” Ephraim asked.

“Yes,” she said unashamed.

Chris rubbed his hands together in anticipation. “Now, let’s see. You had a fight over money. I take it she doesn’t have much being a single woman who put herself through college and raised two kids for a few years, that’s understandable and even commendable. And then we have the dashing young police detective-“

“Please you’re making me blush,” Ephraim said dryly.

“Who lives in a boarding house, drives a state car, and has no real financial responsibilities, so I’m guessing he has a decent amount of money and he wanted to help you.”

“Chris,” she warned.

He ignored the warning. “Obviously something happened last week that put a great financial strain on you and he stepped up. He probably didn’t want to see you struggle anymore. It was a very nice gesture, one that can be seen in many different ways, but I doubt very much that he expected anything from you or did it to hold it over your head.” He ended with a shrug and another bite of cookie.

“Oh? And pray tell o’ wise one how you have come to this conclusion.”

He swallowed loudly. “Just common sense. He’s a good looking guy, not as good looking as me of course.”

“Of course,” Ephraim agreed. Chris winked at him. “He moved here three years ago and obviously has had money since then or before then. There are plenty of women in town, beautiful women I might add, who have expressed an interest in warming his bed.”


He held up a hand. “All I’m saying is he’s not lacking in looks or offers. If he was the type of guy who was just interested in sex he could have gotten that from anyone. He’s not trying to control you and seems laid back. I’m just saying I don’t think he did it to hurt you. He should have talked to you about it I’m sure, but I have to say he meant no harm.”

“Thanks for the help, Chris, but I think you just got me in a boat load of shit,” Ephraim groaned.

“Why? I’m just saying how it is. If you ask Jill I bet you she would come to the same conclusion.”

“And why is that?” Madison couldn’t keep the irritation out her voice.

Chris shrugged. “Because she’s female and she doesn’t think it’s a big deal. Usually females that are prone to drama can sniff out a problem if there is one and blow it up. She clearly doesn’t see one.”

Jill nodded.

“You both suck,” Madison said bitterly.

“Hey, can you say that to us?”

“She just did,” Ephraim pointed out.

“Okay then.” Chris said happily, grabbing another cookie.

The door flew open and Principal Mason stepped inside. He came to an abrupt halt when he saw Ephraim.

“Detective Williams, to what do we owe the pleasure?” His greeting was cordial, but his tone was cold.

Without missing a beat Chris spoke up, sensing his favorite teacher might get in trouble for a social call. “Detective Williams is here for me.”

“Oh?” He eyed the white bakery box and cup.

“He’s trying to butter me up so I’ll talk, but I’m not telling him shit.” He finished off the last cookie.

“Watch your mouth, boy,” Mason warned. He turned his attention to Ephraim. “In the future please remember to let my office know you’re here.”

“I signed in as a guest, Mason. I'll remind you as a State Detective I can come and go on state grounds as I wish.”

“Fine.” He knew Ephraim was right. He was still angry about losing the support of Mike’s parents after the conviction.

“Well, it’s clear he’s not going to talk and there’s still an hour of detention left. So, if you’re done…”

“I’m afraid you’re right.” Ephraim stood up. Chris dropped his head back and groaned.

“Another hour, if she starts crying again I’m jumping out the window. I’m sure Principal Mason will join me, seeing how he hates the sound of a woman crying,” he said a little loudly.

Jill picked up on the non-too-subtle hint and began crying again in earnest. Mason looked flummoxed. “I’ll just go now. It seems as if you have this under control, Miss. Soloman.” He leveled a look on Ephraim. “Detective.”

A long shrieking sound came from Jill that sent Mason running for the door. Jill immediately stopped once the door shut behind him.

“Well well well, I do believe I’ve found someone that Mason hates even more than me,” Chris said thoughtfully. “Good to know.”

“Jealous?” Ephraim chuckled.


Ephraim straightened his tie and bent over Madison’s desk for a kiss. She backed up. He sighed, “So, I see Dr. Phil here was correct. You are mad at me.”

“No, I’m not. I’m at work Ephraim.” She avoided his eyes.

“Don’t you see that I care about you too much to stand by and watch you suffer?”He was reaching the end of his rope. Six days. Six days of nonsense over money of all things. He couldn’t believe it.

“Ephraim, please just go. I’ll see you tonight at dinner, okay?”

He backed off. “Don’t count on it.” He left the room at a quick pace.

She dropped her face in her hands and took a deep breath. This was not turning out to be the best birthday ever. This couldn’t get any worse.

“Unfucking believable.” Chris shook his head in utter amazement. “I’m stuck with two drama queens.”

Chapter 14

“Detective Williams, is everything okay?”

Ephraim turned his attention from the shop window to the elderly man. “Everything’s fine, Mr. Watson. Is my order ready?”

Mr. Watson smiled. “Both of them are in fact.” He opened the large shop safe and pulled out a small velvet box and a long thin wooden box and laid them on the counter. “I wish you luck, my boy.

Ephraim placed the boxes in his jacket and nodded. “Thanks again.”

“No problem, my boy. You have a good night.”

“No chance of that happening,” he mumbled to himself.

He walked past the line of shops to the parking lot. Today was not going as he planned. He hoped she was over this so he could give her a good birthday, but she clearly wasn’t. Chris was right. She was looking for a fight. He wanted to avoid one at all costs. She didn’t understand and now he was pissed off.

How he was going to smile through the next three hours of her surprise party he didn’t know. One thing was for certain, she wasn’t going to be happy with the gift her bought her. She’d just see it as an attempt to buy her.

His hand froze on the door handle of his cruiser. “Shit,” he muttered. He dropped his hand and turned around. A hand shot out to strike him. Ephraim caught the very feminine hand before it made contact.

“What the hell do you want?” he growled.

The small petite blond just smiled and pulled back her hand. She looked him over slowly. “I see the years have been very good to you, Ephraim.”

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