After making sure that her feet weren’t going to slide sending her flying on her butt she pushed the vibrator in further and gasped. This wasn’t how it felt when Ephraim did it. It felt good, smooth and wet. This was…this was….none of those things.

She felt dry and it hurt. It felt like she was getting rubbed raw. “Ow..ow…owie..ow…” She pushed a little further and found resistance. Finally. She looked up, not that she couldn’t hear and feel the water splashing her, but she wanted to make sure it was running.

As soon as she broke through she was pulling this horrible finger out of her and washing herself. She needed to delude the blood quickly so the smell wouldn’t carry over to Ephraim. She just hoped the towel that she stuffed under his door helped where she failed.

“This is it,” she said, trying to sound brave. She ran her tongue over her lip and took several quick breaths. “Just do it.”

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Ephraim’s voice thundered in the small room.

She twisted too quickly to the side to look up at him and slipped, landing on the flat bottom of the vibrator thus forcing it in completely. Sharp agonizing pain ripped through her. She released a blood curdling scream.

“Oh shit!” Blood streamed from beneath Madison. It took everything Ephraim had to ignore it and his fangs, which were throbbing at the sight and the smell. Madison was crying and somehow that was enough to keep him focused.

He dropped to his knees and gently pushed her back. Something white, well white with blood was sticking out of her. With two fingers he gently pulled it out of her. It looked like…well, he wasn’t exactly sure what it looked like. It was a cross between a nailless finger and a pen cap. This wasn’t a pen, was it? He turned it over in his hands noting that the blood was already gone thanks to the water.

“What is this?” he asked.

“What do you think it is?” she snapped. It brought him back to her. She was covering her face with both hands and crying. Thankfully the blood stopped running from between her legs.

It was clear that she broke her hymen. From the looks of it and smell very painfully. She wasn’t aroused. It must have been so painful for her. This was his fault. He should have known she would do something like this. He plugged the tub and released the shower switch. A hot bath would help her.

Madison curled up on her side facing away from him and sobbed into her hands. This was his fault. It should have been special for her and she shouldn’t be crying. He would have made this good for her. He already made sure she came first and she was wet. He just couldn’t finish. She had to do it for him. He felt like less of a man for that.

“It hurts,” she whimpered.

He leaned over and kissed the top of her head. “I know it does, baby. I’m so sorry.”

“Should it hurt this much?”

Should he lie? No. “No, baby, it shouldn’t hurt this much. It should have hurt at first and then if you were with the right man the pain would have gone away leaving you with pleasure. You’d be sore afterwards for a day or two.”

“Oh, you’ve done this before?”

“What? Taken someone’s virginity?”


“No. My brother was married twice. We talked about it, and of course other guys talk about it. No, I purposely avoided virgins.”

“Then why does it hurt for me?” she asked through a sob.

He kissed her again. “For one thing you weren’t aroused, for another you shoved this weird plastic thing in you and if you’re dry that would really hurt. Then of course you practically slammed it into yourself.”

“That’s because you scared me!”

“I’m sorry, baby.” He kissed her head again.

“D-do I smell different now?”


“Do I smell like a virgin still?”

He ran his nose over her neck. “Yes, but you smell slightly different. You still smell pure, but in a different way.”

“Oh, so I suppose this didn’t change the way my blood smells for you?”

“No, it didn’t, sweetheart. I still want you.” He saw her shiver. “Come on, sweetheart, let’s get you to bed before you catch your death.” He drained the water and picked her up, wrapping her in a towel. She couldn’t uncurl her body it hurt too much.

He laid her on his bed. “Ephraim?”

“Yes?” He crawled in beside her, wearing jeans.

“Can you make this feel better?”

She wanted him to make love to her and make it go away. “No, baby, I’m not touching you tonight. I don’t know what damage you just did to yourself. So until we do I’m off limits for you.”

“Damn it.” She sounded so disappointed and cute that he buried his face in her hair and held back any sound while his body shook with silent laughter.

She swatted him on the arm. “I know you’re laughing! You’re so mean! This is the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to me and you’re laughing!”

Chapter 12

“Oh, god this is the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to me,” Madison grumbled behind the curtain of hair that hid her face as she leaned forward.

She hoped to come in and sneak out quickly. She waited two days for this appointment, too embarrassed to go the emergency room. Two days of pain and discomfort. Two days of staying home and lying to everybody about what hurt. Worse, two days of not being allowed to touch Ephraim.

For the past two days he'd been so attentive. He stopped by the house as often as he could to keep her company or bring her something. He was so sweet and kind that it was killing her. To start their relationship like this was killing her. Not being allowed to touch him was torture. True to his word he didn’t try anything. He wanted to, she knew that.

For the past two nights she fell asleep in his arms with the evidence of his arousal pressing into her back or thigh. He never pushed her or offered anything. The only thing he allowed her was heavy make out sessions. Then he would stop abruptly before things got out of hand and head to the bathroom for a cold shower. So now she was sore and frustrated beyond belief, but that still wasn’t the worse part. Not even close. Ephraim’s laughing and joking about it was the worst.

Once he discovered what that nailless finger was and where it came from he couldn’t stop laughing. He wanted to see the box and wouldn’t stop pestering her until she showed him. Then for the next half hour he made her laugh with his jokes and observations. He heard of vibrators and sex toys of course, but never saw them first hand.

Every time someone asked how she hurt herself or when Grandma offered to kiss the booboo better, the booboo being an upset stomach, her cover story, Ephraim would start laughing uncontrollably until she was laughing with him. He felt bad of course, but he found this whole thing funny until she cried that is. Then he became deadly serious and held her or placed her in a hot tub, begging her to let him take her to the emergency room. When she refused he doubled his efforts to make sure she was comfortable.

“So, you’ve actually been in the delivery room?” He held her hand loosely in his while he ran his thumb over her hand, but his attention was clearly elsewhere.

The older man across the room beamed. “The first time she had to have me dragged into the room.” He chuckled. His very pregnant wife gave him a playful slap on the arm. “The last two times they couldn’t keep me out of there. It’s so amazing. You’re going to love it.”

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