“I’m just asking. Who knows? They might. He might.”


Conall returned to Vivienne’s house slightly after ten. He’d made a quick stop back to Cedar Creek to drop Sloan off. Although he wanted to return, he wouldn’t be doing so tonight. He wanted to bring Vivienne to his home during the day, when all of the pack was awake, and could get a good look at her. He refused to bring her in the night to have Brennus or Gresham start rumors that he was sneaking her in. He had nothing to be ashamed of, especially not his druid mate, and the sooner the pack figured that out, the better for everyone.

Raoul was the first to approach him as he came out of the SUV. His beta took one look at his face, and said, “I’m guessing it went well?”

Conall nodded, and knowing that Raoul wanted an explanation, added, “Cronin called the meeting to claim kinship over Vivienne and Cassandre.”

A frown touched Raoul’s lips but he waited for his alpha to finish. Conall explained the rest quickly, and Raoul flashed a smile. “No wonder you look so…approachable.”

He passed his beta a deep scowl that only made Raoul smile more.

“So what are we doing? Do you want us to stay and keep watch tonight or are we returning to the city?”

“Stay. Cronin was convinced he was going to be awarded kinship tonight. He isn’t going to give up just because I thwarted his plans.” He’d seen it in the way that Cronin had looked at him as the Council voted, like it meant absolutely nothing. “We’ll leave for Cedar Creek in the morning.” He was making his way to the door when he paused and looked back to Raoul. His beta lifted a brow. “Did you all eat?” With their fast metabolisms and bigger bodies, weres had ravenous appetites.

Raoul nodded emphatically. “This house is overrun with good food. Plus, Evelyn’s a great cook. I was thinking of moving in, offering her my protective services in exchange for….”

Conall continued to the door. He was anxious to see Vivienne, but he was also nervous about what might happen, with the state he was in. After taking a few deep breaths, and willing his wolf to be at ease, he pushed the front door open and scented his mate out.



After her conversation with her sister, Vivienne had checked on Drew, who’d been quietly lying in her bed and hadn’t wanted company, before deciding on a long, warm shower. She spent over a half an hour under the spray of water. By the time she was finished, she was relaxed enough to lie still, and wait for Conall. She’d just entered her room, towel secured snugly around her body, when the door knob twisted, and Conall walked in. His leather jacket was partially open, as if he’d unzipped it as he made his way to her room, and his boots were still on. Today, he was dressed in the look she’d come to associate with him. Jeans, leather jacket, and a T-shirt.

Feeling her heart begin a rapid thumping in her chest, Vivienne fingered the top of the towel. “How’d it go?”

“Good.” His reply was immediate. He shrugged out of the jacket and draped it over one of the chairs in her room.

She swallowed audibly, positive he could hear the pounding of her heart. Vivienne almost rolled her eyes. Of course he could hear it. He was a werewolf, with heightened senses, and all that stuff.

A smile curved his lips and she knew he’d just read her thoughts. He took a seat, positively dominating her chair, and undid the laces of his boots. Licking her lips, Vivienne moved toward her closet and pulled the door open. It shielded her body from his gaze as she quickly undid the towel, and pulled a large T-shirt over her head.

“What was the purpose of the meeting?” She shifted her gaze to where Conall sat as she asked that question. He was leaning forward on the chair, staring at her. It gave off the impression that he was patiently waiting, although she didn’t think Conall the patient type.

Vivienne moved over to the drawer that contained her intimates and pulled it open. She quickly removed a panty and walked rapidly over to the closet once more. Door open, she put it on quickly and poked her head out. Conall was now standing. She froze as he approached her. As she watched him move, watched him put one long leg before the other, watched the slight sway of his big arms, she could as much help the pool of wetness growing between her thighs as she could stop the falling of a waterfall.

He stopped directly before her, and she lifted her gaze from his wide torso to his eyes.

“Maximilian Cronin called the meeting to claim kinship over you and Cassandre.” His hand lifted and a finger curled around her damp hair. She’d partially dried it before returning to her room.

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