Conall sat slowly. The chair behind Maximilian righted and moved forward until it was directly behind him. Scowling all the while, Maximilian did the same.

When he was seated, he turned to Agar and said, “It is forbidden.” In a louder voice, he repeated, “It is forbidden for a witch to mate a werewolf.”

Tiberius nodded briskly. “I agree. Our laws strictly forbid witches from mating outside of our species.”

Before Conall could reply, Verenus spoke. “One has to wonder how the warlocks came about then, no?”

Eyes narrowing, Tiberius glared at Verenus. “Few choose to break our sacred laws, and you know as well as we do, vampire, that the creation of the warlocks was based on the cruelty of your race more than anything else.”

“Do not speak of things you do not know, witch.” Keitaro Matsumoto, the third vampire coven leader, leaned forward menacingly, his eyes shifting red as his bared his teeth. The vampires followed suit, tensing.

“We know well that your ancestors, some of your own blood, brutally raped hundreds of our kin,” Tiberius snarled. His irises faded to black in anger.

Agar prepared to slap his hand against the table once more. He found he didn’t need to.

“Should I be surprised that in the twenty-first century, despite the Council, the International Council, and numerous hybrids that currently exist in all of our communities, the laws of segregation are still being invoked?” That question came from Drako, who stared from Tiberius to Maximilian and back.

“Are you presuming to tell us, wolf, how to run our covenants?” Maximilian demanded.

Drako remained still for a few seconds before shrugging and shaking his head. “Of course not. You’ll run your community as you choose, as will we, but there are two communities involved in this particular dilemma: yours and ours.”


“I agree,” Dominic interjected, followed by Santiago’s thump and growl of approval.

Maximilian stared at the three of them before turning to Agar and saying in a low but forceful voice, “When the Council was established, we agreed to adhere to the laws of the individual communities. I claim kinship over Vivienne and Cassandre, two witches belonging to my covenant, as their Grand Wizard. I refuse to acknowledge any joining between Vivienne and an animal.” Conall growled, and Santiago’s eyes flashed yellow at the insult. “I petition this Council to give me kinship as is my right.”

Agar looked to the various faces at the table before swinging his gaze back to Maximilian. “The law of kinship remains one of our oldest because this Council recognizes the importance of family and family ties. Family is why we have survived turbulent times, have made successful places for ourselves across the globe.” He paused and looked to Conall, who had tensed. “With that said, Council laws account kinship by rank. A mate’s claim of kinship outranks all others, regardless of lineage and race, but a Grand Wizard’s claim of kinship over a descendant from his covenant outranks that of an outsider.”

Maximilian’s lips tightened. This was not going as he’d planned. He barely resisted the urge to unleash his powers on Conall Athelwulf. How could that dog mate her? This was definitely a blow he had neither expected nor anticipated. So he would have to find another way to get Vivienne, but Cassandre…his claim still outranked Conall’s. Plus, with Cassandre in his possession, he was certain he could lure the other twin.

“We shall put it to a vote. Gentlemen?”

Heads nodded in agreement. “On the matter of Vivienne, who of you thinks that Maximilian, Grand Wizard and ancestor to Vivienne, has more of a right to kinship than Conall?”

Maximilian and Tiberius raised their hands. Every other hand remained where it was. Maximilian expected that. He wasn’t happy about it, but he expected it. He passed a glare to Wilhem. The witch obviously had no loyalty.

“Who of you thinks that Conall, Pack Alpha and mate to Vivienne, has more of a right to kinship than Maximilian?”

Everyone else raised their hands.

“The Council has voted. Vivienne is Conall’s kin, and as such, protected under his pack. This matter is hereby declared resolved.”

Agar turned to Maximilian, who looked as if he was going to interrupt, but didn’t.

“On that matter of Cassandre, which of you thinks that Maximilian has more right to kinship than Conall?”

Maximilian, Tiberius, and Wilhem lifted their hands. Maximilian glared at the vampires, who stared steadily back at him. Keitaro, the smug bastard, even flashed white teeth in the semblance of a smile.

“Which of you thinks Conall has more right to kinship?”

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