“She isn’t human.”

Brennus and Gresham began speaking once more, their voices overlapping each other as they both sought to condemn him for lying to the Elders.

“Do you think we’re fools—”

“—we’ve seen her—”

“She certainly smells human.”

Conall’s fists clenched as his wolf demanded release. His canines lengthened, piercing his tongue, even as he struggled to rein in the beast. What was happening to his control? He’d done meetings like this countless times, with Brennus being the key agitator, Gresham his cheerleader, but his wolf was always peaceful, bored even.

“Be silent, both of you!” Zahira’s voice was loud and clear. Centuries of living in Europe, and then in the Americas, had wiped out most traces of an Egyptian accent. “He’s still our alpha. Let him speak.” She glared at both Brennus and Gresham before turning to stare expectantly at Conall.

He contemplated what to tell them about Vivienne. While he and the Elders did not always agree, he trusted them.

“My mate,” he purposely used the term while staring at Brennus and then Gresham, “is a druid.”


Brennus lifted a questioning brow and Latriel voiced the opinion of the group, “What do you mean, Conall?”


“The druids were banished….” Verity began softly only to trail off and stare at him with the question in her eyes.

“Vivienne was born after the druids were banished. She is one of two existing druids. The other is her twin sister.” From the expressions on their faces, Conall could see the Elders still didn’t understand. Like he had when Evelyn had told him, they were still trying to make sense of his words. To further explain, he added, “Her mother is the descendant of a druid.”

“So…she is a druid?” Brennus questioned, looking doubtful.

Conall nodded.

“Witches,” Gresham muttered in disgust. His eyes were filled with anger, and his hand shook as he lifted it to point at Conall. “You would tie us to the witches?”

“Apparently he would tie us to the druids,” Latriel corrected dryly, earning a look of derision from Gresham and a scowl from Brennus.

He was about to speak when Brennus interjected, “Druids? Witches? It doesn’t matter. They have always been viewed as the same by our people!” He paused and snapped his teeth together. “There was a better chance of us accepting a human than witch!”

“Your acceptance—” Conall began angrily.

“Brennus, you forget yourself!” Zahira chastised, straightening her back as her cold brown eyes warned him. “Brennus does not speak for the rest of us.”

“He does not,” Verity added in a calm voice. Like Zahira, Verity’s hair was streaked with gray, and she had a cool elegance about her that spoke to her years of living as a noblewoman in various European countries.

Conall held his breath, intent on reminding Brennus that he was alpha of the pack, that he’d been the one to establish Elders as advisors, that he did not need their acceptance to select a mate. While their approval was wanted, it was not necessary. He nodded once, feeling the retraction of claws that had sprouted after Brennus’s statement. He closed his eyes and twisted his head, first to the left, then to the right in an attempt to relieve his tension.

“Vivienne was raised human. She recently learned of her heritage, and about the existence of other species.”

“How do you know she won’t expose us? You say she was raised human? There is too much of a risk.” Brennus stopped when Conall’s eyes flashed yellow before bleeding to their human blue. The Elder made an angry noise in the back of his throat but held his tongue.

“When will we meet her?” Zahira asked, swiftly changing the subject and taking Conall’s attention from Brennus. She knew Conall well enough to know that the alpha was close to losing his temper, and a lost temper meant a fight, possibly between Brennus and Conall. Since she’d been in the pack, she’d never seen a fight between an Elder and an alpha, and she didn’t care to see one in her lifetime.

“As soon as I can guarantee her safety,” Conall replied immediately. When most of the Elders simply looked confused, he added, “Vivienne and her twin are being tracked by Maximilian Cronin’s covenant. Cronin believes that sacrificing them will bring the druids back and reinstate his immortality.” He looked at every face gathered, from Brennus, who sat farthest to his left, to Zahira, seated the farthest to his right. “Vivienne is my mate in all things but one: the ceremony. Human, druid, witch, it does not matter. She is my mate and I will protect her from any and all threats.”

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