Her smile faded and she glared at him. I’m the one carrying two other beings. I get to decide how hot or cool I want to be, okay?

Of course, alainn.

His concession was so quick that Vivienne grinned and nodded, leaning back in the chair and covering her mouth as she yawned. It was only three o’clock but she wanted a nap, one where Conall’s body was draped around hers.


She nodded.

Let’s go home, alainn.

Upstairs. Let’s go upstairs.

Vivienne stood, and shook her head when she couldn’t see her feet. Conall stood immediately.

“I’m going to lie down,” she told Cassie, who lifted a brow at Conall when he began to follow her.

“Lie down? Is that what they call it now?” she snickered, chuckling when Vivienne shot her a killer glare. Sloan seemed to be biting in his own laughter as he avoided Vivienne’s eyes. Little did they know that a few weeks ago, their humor would have been justified.

When they arrived in her room, Vivienne removed the soft slippers her mother had provided and moved onto the covers. She retreated to give Conall enough space on the bed. As he settled in next to her, she rolled onto her side and sighed when he pulled her against him, burying his face against her neck. His hands settled protectively on her swollen belly, and he began to rub lightly.


I do love you, Conall. Even if you are insanely overprotective at times.

A low chuckle touched her ear before she fell into a deep sleep.


Conall continued to rub at her belly until a swift thump greeted his hand. He grinned and moved his hand a few centimeters down. It didn’t take long for the thump to come again. One of them had to be a boy. Or both. He’d begun to recognize a trend of the late. If he caressed her belly, the kicks would come, but when she did it, they remained silent. Even Cassie wasn’t treated to ‘fight-night’ when she caressed her twin’s belly. So from that, he’d gathered that he would have at least one son, as the territorial instinct was usually common to males, even unborn ones.


Two months later, he was proved correct. Vivienne gave birth to twins, a red- faced, golden-eyed boy who came out screaming, kicking his legs and pumping his little fists, and a blue-eyed little girl, who was smaller than her brother, and much quieter.

Conall took one look at them and fell in love for the second time in his life. As Vivienne was cleaned, he and Evelyn held the babies. The girl eyed him curiously, as if trying to understand who it was that held her. He placed a finger at her cheek and she grabbed it and tried to bring it to her mouth. Her brother began to wail once more, fussing against his grandmother as he did so.

They were hungry.

Once they were fed, swaddled, and sleeping, Evelyn left them alone. She planned to stay with them for some weeks to help her daughter with the twins.

“I’d like to call the girl Anabelle,” Vivienne said softly, wincing a bit when she attempted to move her lower body. Conall frowned at her wince but she smiled and shook her head, reassuring him.

“It’s a nice name,” he said softly, turning to the crib where the infants slept. Little Anabelle. “I like it.”

“Good. Since I chose one of the names, I guess it’s only fair that you choose the other.” She chuckled softly, and Conall gently stroked her face.

“Cadan.” There was great pride in his voice. He turned to the crib again. As Vivienne waited, he explained, “It means ‘little warrior’.”

Chuckling, Vivienne shook her head. “He’s not even a day old and you’re thinking of him as a fighter.”

Leaning down, he kissed her lips. “Thank you, Vivienne. They’re beautiful, just like you.”

She grinned, and closed her eyes.

“Sleep, alainn. I will be right here.”

As Vivienne slept, Conall sat on the edge of the bed, looking between his mate and his children. Curiosity eventually got the better of him and he moved closer to the crib. He and Vivienne had joked about what they would be, but he had sensed nothing strange at the births. Evelyn had expected druids, but even she admitted that the babies seemed…human.

Standing over the crib, he leaned closer and sniffed Cadan. He smelled new, and male, like a baby or a pup. Conall sniffed again, trying to pinpoint any other smell. He couldn’t. He moved over to Anabelle and did the same. She smelled like her brother, only female. Confused, Conall crossed his arms before his chest and stared at them both. Two newly born babies were baffling him.

He was just about to turn back to his mate when Anabelle moved. It was a slight movement but then she opened her eyes. Black stared out at him for seconds before her eyes shifted to blue. A long sigh escaped him. Druid. But she didn’t stop there. Her eyes shifted to yellow briefly too, before she closed them, cooed and fell back to sleep. Both. His daughter was a druid and a wolf, like her mother. Leaning close, he kissed the smooth skin of her forehead before scrutinizing his son.

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